I've finally got around to making a module implementing Trystan's xmlrpc code. This means that it is possible to do stuff from a website, things I already have working on the anope side are:
* Logging in
* Changing debug settings (hey it made my life easier)
* Reading memo's
* Getting / Setting nick flags, like "hide email" etc...
* Sending Globals
* Viewing/Adding/Deleting hosts from the nickserv access list
* Registering new nicks.
Things I have working from the php side:
* Logging in
* Changing debug settings
* Sending Globals
* Viewing hosts from the nickserv access list
Ideally I'd like people to volunteer to help (just come poke me on irc.anope.org) with either the anope or the php... oh and someone to make some css sheets to make it look pretty/provide "how it looks" options would be nice too, as my sense of design is.. err.. questionable
Anyway that is all.