(For those of you who don't know what usermode +q is, on unreal it's a mode that prevents a staff member (Services admin and higher) from being kicked from a channel by users)
Actually, this is incorrect. umode +q can be assigned to any global oper with the can_setq flag. Where the SA status comes in as it's automagiclly added at SA or higher.
While I'm a firm believer in the fact that you are more than welcome to screw up your network however you deem fit. I highly advise against even allowing umode +q anywhere on your network since it can and has many many times in the past caused more harm than good. ie caused anarchy to the point of destroying networks. i can likely name far more networks it's harmed than you can name channels it's saved.
Opers, by RFC as well as long standing practices by networks that have existed for 12+ years and hundreds of times more users than you have are not "channel police" and on most modern IRCds not even required to be in a channel to affect it. In my humble opinion, any channel that I was "investigating" would accidentally fall victim to /os chankill for removing me after I entered and stated my intentions. This recourse would be because if a chanop removes you for doing your job, more times than not it's because you are about to discover something that would likely result in a chankill anyway. IRC is not and never has been or ever will be a democratic protocol. It's based on the access rule: "he who has the access rules".
Great ideas...I hate having to superadmin in order to do my job on a network when users want to be...well...uncooperative :p
since when did /os akill require superadmin?