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Author Topic: Services Spawning backup session  (Read 7519 times)

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Services Spawning backup session
« on: January 25, 2007, 03:32:53 PM »

I would love to see the abilty for services to detect it's downage either through some external util or other means and have a backup session spawn on another host. Perhaps one of the ircd servers.

I am currently working on a setup with using mysql and replicating the database (this part works great) Using nagios to detect downage (abit slow on detecting, but works).

Remote copy spawns and using the RDB option clobbers the mysql data infavor of the old stale .db file data... Well even if the sql problem gets resolved there musy be a more eligant solution.

  So i am giving it to you smart people to possiable help...



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« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2007, 06:18:29 PM »

This can be accomplished using sh scripting and crontab. I don't see any efficient way to do this task simply because like all other software, it can't detect it's own status if it's not running. Using external applications would require remote communications between boxes.

In order for an ircd to react to services squiting, it's source code would need to be modified to communicate globally with the rest of the network until the proper ircd that runs on the same box as the secondary services issues a CLI command to fireup backup services. Alternately, a bad hack work around can also be considered, by running an eggdrop bot on the network from the box that the backup services is to be from and have it automaticly or through IRCop commands, via tcl scripting, start services. All of which would have nothing to do with Anope it's self.

I had an eggdrop tcl script I wrote not long ago that would do this very thing, I'll see if I can find it for someone else to improve upon as I have no interest in it.

[Edited on 25-1-2007 by katsklaw]


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To continue
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2007, 08:24:50 PM »

Well i have Nagios, not only does it verify ircd status but checks Anope's status. I use it to pull down ircd's server IP's from the pool of A records in DNS to allow clients to use a single url to connect to servers (that are currently up, and have response times with in limits configured) in the group in a round robin with load balancing. Adding the checks for anope was rather simple. Nagios fires off scripts or any executable desired on triggers also provides nice web page output of statistics of server services.. All works via snmp or other depending on your preference...

I too run eggdrops, but would perfer to code and Unreal module..

Also MySQL (5.x.x) has a repliction feature that will auto detect a dead master and revamp the master/slave topolgy firing off routines burried withing a special database. Adding code in those routines would be easy enough to have it start Anope on the new master.. and having Anope check to see if at start up, if it's been set to a slave. This would be sweet.

For those intersted in the above MySQL setup check out:


[Edited on 25-1-2007 by Gumbie]


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« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2007, 03:48:26 AM »

seems like alot of trouble for just IRC. Not to mention that thousands of other networks big and small have existed for years without all this extra stuff.


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Hearing echo\'s
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2007, 06:44:38 AM »

You know, i hear that very same thing about Services on irc to, and my reply to them is same as it will be to you. It's a hobby for me. I find this stuff fun. Till the day I die i will be coding, modifing and improving apon what some may think silly and useless. Then comes along the person with a specific need and something i had worked out say for eggdrop or mysql fail-over redudancy (using anope services) helps them at the office, or maybe sleep a whole night. Then i have done what i love to do and helped someone else do what they needed to do. If you don't like it don't do it. it's that simple. I am not here trying to step on toes or bad mouth anyones work. I would like to contribute. and be apart of a community i hope has as much fun as i do with all this un-need stuff!



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« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2007, 07:02:52 AM »

I think you misunderstood me. I wasn't being negative, however, you have stated this as a feature request, which means you are asking the Anope team or a module coder to code it, that's what this forum is for .. and that is what I'm saying is alot of work.

You're of course welcome to do as you like with your spare time, I wasn't attempting to critique you or your hobbies, I was commenting on the feature request.

Anope is licensed using the GPL license agreement which states that you may alter Anope's source code to satisfy your "hobby" so long as the license is adhered to. I just don't see this request going farther than this thread .. at least not coded by the anope team, but that is for them to decide. My job is to make sure that what they code works.
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