here's what I entered and the replies I got:
/msg OperServ AKILL ADD +0 NameToKill@* We don't know you
[16:25:51] -> *OperServ* AKILL ADD +0 NameToKill@* We don't know you
[16:25:51] -OperServ- Deleted 1 entries from the AKILL list.
[16:25:51] -OperServ- NameToKill@* added to the AKILL list.
/msg operserv AKILL list
[16:26:28] -> *operserv* AKILL list
[16:26:28] -OperServ- Current AKILL list:
[16:26:28] -OperServ- Num Mask Reason
[16:26:28] -OperServ- 1 NameToKill@* We don't know you
Why would an entry be removed ? None of my opers have akilled this user ...