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Author Topic: IRCd Module  (Read 23362 times)

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« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2006, 03:09:04 PM »

For the module not found problem: See my note at the bottom of this page.

For trying to get it running on Win98: By all means, have a go. We won't stop you from that. We're just saying that we won't support a legacy operating system in the official Anope releases. As WinXP and Win2k as standard at the moment, this is where we are focusing our build efforts. Once Vista and Longhorn Server are adopted overwhelmingly, then we'll move onto those.

It's like buying a car (every analogy for Anope I seem to give is car related..). If I buy a car from 1970, unless it's a classic model then chances are garages and the manufacturer aren't going to support it for long. Same with the parts dealers. If there aren't that many people using the car, why spend time making the parts for it? It's the same with Anope's support for older version of Windows. Less and less people are using Win98 nowadays, so there's very little point in us focusing our attention on "fixing" something which only one or two people will need, and for something which will be non-existant in a year or two.

But yeah, if you're having a go with it. Good luck :)


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« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2006, 03:26:52 PM »

I thought this was a help forum... so far all it looks like to me is a half-help then explain why it won't work forum... don't mean to be rude or abusive  or anything but what you must understand is that there are those of us (like me) who aren't fortunate enough to have a spiffy linux box on which to work, I'm not even fortunate enough to have a machine capable of running XP.
Granted, I could easily install a version of linux on my pc, but I also don't have the time to learn how to use linux, so I make due with what I can (WIN98). I know it's not supported, I knew before I even started thinking of posting threads here to get help, but I can't get anything else and I was hoping that people such as yourselves who are fortunate enough to have the facilities to learn how to do things above and beyond my capabilites would take the time to try to help me.
It's not too much to ask is it?


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« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2006, 03:30:40 PM »

We've tried looking at Win98 support in the past... and I guess you can tell what the outcome was.. :)

If you want me to look at it again, I will by all means, but I don't want to get your hopes up. Chances are that it is probably either a) not possible, or b) too much effort.

Right now i'm checking Longhorn Server Beta 2, but after that i'll put Windows 98 into vmware, and have a quick bash.

Charles Kingsley

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« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2006, 03:32:32 PM »


I think you are misunderstanding. We are not putting you down in anyway, we are just saying that there are some things we can't foresee with the use of antiquated Operating Systems. We have never supported Win9x/ME as it would add yet another platform for us to test and develop when we have a fair few at the moment.

We are being as helpful as we can be without the experience of doing it ourselves.

After the weekend, if I can find a copy of windows 98, I'll try and see if I can make something work, but I'm not holding my breath.


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« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2006, 03:33:13 PM »

heinz, I must apologize to you if I seem ungrateful and to all here aswell, I'm just getting a little frustrated with being told "it won't work"

If I'm not mistaken though heinz, that page you pasted a link to is the same as the Win32.txt file that comes with Anope for win32 platforms. That being the case, I feel I should point out that I'm using the pre-compiled version so I really don't need any of the information on that page, but I will have another look at it nonetheless


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« Reply #30 on: June 23, 2006, 03:35:40 PM »

Take a look at my note down the end of that page... :)


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« Reply #31 on: June 23, 2006, 03:46:25 PM »

Geez you okes really know how to make a dude feel crappy about venting... and heinz, just so you know all I need is help getting Anope to find the IRCd Module, beyond that (I'm talking database issues) I've already got a friend who can help me, so if you can get it running, awesome

FYI: I'm working on v1.7.13 - v1.7.14 at the moment, although I seem to have had better luck with 1.7.13


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« Reply #32 on: June 23, 2006, 04:02:01 PM »

I know that's what you're trying to do, I read the posts before. I was directing you to a note I put on the Wiki page about why the issue occurs, and a method of solving it. Granted it's only a one-liner, but it includes a link. For your benefit, I have extracted what I posted there, and placed it below:


To solve the 'Specified module could not be found' error when first loading Anope, re-install .NET Framework v1.1 from Microsoft - Issue is caused when MSVCR71.DLL for Win2K3/Longhorn Server is used on an older OS. --Heinz

Did you say you've installed the .NET Framework Redistributable v1.1? If so, have a search on your system for "MSVCR71.dll". You want there to be only one copy, with the newest one going in c:\windows\system.


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« Reply #33 on: June 23, 2006, 09:23:41 PM »

Right, I've had a play around with it. And unfortunately, it's not working yet.

The main issue with the databases seems to be the way in which we're moving the files.

<technical stuff>
In datafiles.c, we're calling MoveFileExA, which in turn calls SHGetFolderPathW. SHGetFolderPathW is usually located within shell32.dll. From what I can tell, Internet Explorer 4 used to ship with a file called shfolder.dll, which contained the SHGetFolderPathW routine. The following paragraph from MSDN sums it up:


On systems preceeding those including Shell32.dll version 5.0 (Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me) and Windows 2000), SHGetFolderPath was obtained through SHFolder.dll, distributed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and later versions. SHFolder.dll always calls the current platform's version of this function. If that fails, it will try to simulate the appropriate behavior. SHFolder.dll continues to be included for backward compatibility, though the function is now implemented in Shell32.dll.

From what I can see, and I shall admit, I haven't looked very far, this function simply does not exist in shell32.dll, and is not simulated by shfolder.dll, thus causing the database problems. Other projects seemed to be having exactly the same problem, namely TortoiseSVN, and because of it, they have taken the same approach as us.
</technical stuff>

I guess the alternative to get around that situation would be to use MySQL with UseRDB enabled. Probably not an ideal situation, and you'd get bombarded with messages about not being able to backup the databases.

Apart from that, everything seemed to load correctly. No DLL errors or access violations during start up. I have a copy of Anope compiled against the Visual C++ 8 runtimes (.NET 2.0 to me and you) if you want them. They seemed to work fine on the copy of Windows 98SE that I was running.

Sorry that this hasn't really helped much, but it goes a way to clarify the problems that we have experienced with working on older versions of Windows.

Edit: For reference purposes, and for anyone who may want to attempt to get Win98 support in the future, here's a small log of the issue.


00:00:50.262: Loaded "c:\windows\system\SHELL32.DLL" at address 0x7FCB0000 by thread 1.  Successfully hooked module.
00:00:50.272: DllMain(0x7FCB0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "c:\windows\system\SHELL32.DLL" called by thread 1.
00:00:50.281: DllMain(0x7FCB0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "c:\windows\system\SHELL32.DLL" returned 1 (0x1) by thread 1.
00:00:50.292: LoadLibraryA("shell32.dll") returned 0x7FCB0000 by thread 1.
00:00:50.312: GetProcAddress(0x7FCB0000 [c:\windows\system\SHELL32.DLL], "SHGetFolderPathA") called from "c:\windows\system\WININET.DLL" at address 0x7021D711 and returned NULL by thread 1. Error: The specified module could not be found (126).
00:00:50.332: LoadLibraryA("shfolder.dll") called from "c:\windows\system\WININET.DLL" at address 0x7021D72F by thread 1.
00:00:50.456: Loaded "c:\windows\system\SHFOLDER.DLL" at address 0x71930000 by thread 1.  Successfully hooked module.
00:00:50.466: DllMain(0x71930000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "c:\windows\system\SHFOLDER.DLL" called by thread 1.
00:00:50.475: DllMain(0x71930000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "c:\windows\system\SHFOLDER.DLL" returned 1 (0x1) by thread 1.
00:00:50.490: LoadLibraryA("shfolder.dll") returned 0x71930000 by thread 1.
00:00:50.517: GetProcAddress(0x71930000 [c:\windows\system\SHFOLDER.DLL], "SHGetFolderPathA") called from "c:\windows\system\WININET.DLL" at address 0x7021D73C and returned 0x7193280B by thread 1.
00:00:50.541: LoadLibraryA("shell32.dll") called from "c:\windows\system\SHFOLDER.DLL" at address 0x719317AB by thread 1.
00:00:50.551: LoadLibraryA("shell32.dll") returned 0x7FCB0000 by thread 1.
00:00:50.572: GetProcAddress(0x7FCB0000 [c:\windows\system\SHELL32.DLL], "SHGetFolderPathW") called from "c:\windows\system\SHFOLDER.DLL" at address 0x719317BD and returned NULL by thread 1. Error: The specified module could not be found (126).

[Edited on 23-6-2006 by heinz]


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« Reply #34 on: June 23, 2006, 10:47:30 PM »

Originally posted by Kaoru
I thought this was a help forum... so far all it looks like to me is a half-help then explain why it won't work forum... don't mean to be rude or abusive  or anything but what you must understand is that there are those of us (like me) who aren't fortunate enough to have a spiffy linux box on which to work, I'm not even fortunate enough to have a machine capable of running XP.
Granted, I could easily install a version of linux on my pc, but I also don't have the time to learn how to use linux, so I make due with what I can (WIN98). I know it's not supported, I knew before I even started thinking of posting threads here to get help, but I can't get anything else and I was hoping that people such as yourselves who are fortunate enough to have the facilities to learn how to do things above and beyond my capabilites would take the time to try to help me.
It's not too much to ask is it?

My issue here is that your demanding support. In a very polite manner .. but demanding it none the less. This forum, website and all of the Anope staff are volunteers, we do not get paid a single thing for what we do offer. Just because you didn't get the answers you want, doesn't make the support we offer of a low quality by any means. I have seen Anope staff offer better quality support for free than many companies that get paid thousands of dollars in support contracts do. so to say we offer "half-help" just because we didn't tell you want you wanted to hear is rather insulting, even when said politely.

I'm sorry that you don't want to learn Linux, but lets look at it from our point. Perhaps we don't want to learn Windows 98. All your post is saying to me is that you don't want to make any compromises, yet expect us to take time from our already busy schedule to travel farther than half way just to help a single person. In my personal opinion, that is someone being lazy and greedy, not taking into account that hundreds of other people that paid just as much as you have for top quality support. It's also my opinion that if you wish to learn Anope, then you need to learn Linux or some other variety of Unix and learn properly. Anope was written to run on *nix and is a *nix application. So to learn it, you need to learn it's environment. You said you can easily install Linux, well my suggestion is to do so or buy a shell account somewhere.

Please don't take my post as a flame or as a suggestion of anything else in the same category. I didn't get to be a QA by being rude and unsupportive to Anope's users. I go out of my way to help users who are willing to help themselves and meet me in the middle somewhere.

As far as it being too much to ask .. you should ask yourself that question.

Being a generous person, this is what I'll do for you. While you are using Linux or other supported, Unix based OS, I will personally assist you on a 1 on 1 basis if needed to help you learn how to navigate around so you can learn. This of course is also done in my spare time.


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« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2006, 10:48:11 AM »

katsklaw : just to clarify, when I made that post (granted, I probably shouldn't have) I was extremely irritated, and I'm afraid you misunderstand my situation.
I would absolutely LOVE to learn linux, the thing is, I don't have the time to otherwise I wouldn't be giving you guys the grief I apparently am if I had the time required (even with your very much appreciated generously offered help) to learn.
I do stuff like this as a hobby and enjoy it probably more than is healthy, but understand, I started working on this problem 3 weeks before my first post. It's not that I don't appreciate you guys going out of your way to help me (BTW heinz: that info you posted was a goldmine of info, thanks muchly), but I'd just heard something to the tone of "It wasn't designed for that os so you're wasting your time" 1 too many times.

On a more constructive note, I desided to install Anope 1.7.14 because I remember getting a more "descriptive" error.
except the end of the error was:



I'll have a look to see if I have the afforementioned .dll files.

Again, sorry if I seemed ungrateful.


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« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2006, 10:54:39 AM »


I have a copy of Anope compiled against the Visual C++ 8 runtimes (.NET 2.0 to me and you) if you want them. They seemed to work fine on the copy of Windows 98SE that I was running.

I believe my email address is visible, if you wouldn't mind emailing it to me, I'd very much appreciate it


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« Reply #37 on: June 27, 2006, 02:36:45 AM »

Kaoru, it's ok, just remember that no matter how polite you are, you can still insult people. I fully understand that you were not yourself, but at the time of your post we (namely I) did not know that. Please understand that there are times that the only thing keeping helpers going is the fact that the users are indeed grateful for the help they receive and seeing a user express the lack of graditude can be crushing .. even unintentionally.

There are supporters on this project that put everything into it just to see the users happy. They understand frustration because they have seen unimaginable frustration on a very personal level and being apart of a caring, open source and royalty free project such as Anope can breathe hope back into them .. not because of the glamour that comes from the role they play but from the satifaction that can be gained from seeing the users that they have helped happily using the product they support.

I did not mean for this to turn into such a serious thread. However, seeing such unhappiness from you as a user can have a very serious effect on the helpers that make Anope what it is.



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« Reply #38 on: June 27, 2006, 06:46:21 AM »

Glad to see you understand :)

I'm also happy because I stumbled across a full backup of Anope ... the one that was working, I'm having problems though because I'm getting this:


A device attached to the system is not functioning

Or something to that effect, I'm not sure if that's referring to a dll that isn't working, or if all I need to do is make 100% sure it's set properly.


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« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2006, 08:20:52 AM »

heinz : I checked your note again, but I was still getting the error even after re-installing the .NET Framework, see my above post for a more recent update to my situation


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« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2006, 01:41:17 PM »

As promised, here is a version of Anope compiled against Visual C++ 2005 (Version 8), with the Operating System check disabled.

Note: You probably know this already, but I have to say it anyway. The following file is an unofficial version of Anope, and as such it's use is not officially supported.

Anope 1.7.14 (1067) against Visual C++ 2005 with Windows version check disabled: download
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