Just installed Anope-1.7.14 and it's starting fine, but when I register a channel it crashes. Here's the log:
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] PANIC! buffer = :M`Hael PRIVMSG ChanServ :register #staff ******** staff channel
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace: Segmentation fault detected
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace: report the following lines
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace: Anope version 1.7.14 (1023) build #1, compiled Apr 14 2006 12:12:18 ETQM
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace(1): ./services(sighandler+0x11e) [0x8070d2e]
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace(2): /lib/libpthread.so.0 [0x40170ea7]
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace(3): /lib/libc.so.6 [0x401e0618]
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace(4): ./services(destroyModule+0x29) [0x8074b49]
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace(5): ./services(delModule+0x86) [0x8074c46]
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace(6): ./services(modules_unload_all+0x6d) [0x80779ad]
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace(7): ./services(sighandler+0x182) [0x8070d92]
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace(
: /lib/libpthread.so.0 [0x40170ea7]
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace(9): /lib/libc.so.6 [0x401e0618]
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Backtrace: complete
[Apr 14 12:53:30 2006] Services terminating: Segmentation fault