recommended for cs_autovoice module users.
• Added STATUS option on the command.
• Autovoice database will now be backed up
• Changed access level 5 or AOPs to SOP's (level 10) and above.
• The module now respects nickserv AUTOOP settings. If a user have autoop settings turned off, (s)he will not be voiced.
• Fixed ChanServ autovoicing all REG nickname whether its identified or not; instead voice ONLY if they are identified to services. (Security issues)
• Fixed ChanServ flooded voicing all/reg users on the channel on services reboot.
• Fixed ChanServ voicing a user even if the user have access on that channel.
ChanServ sets mode: +oa user user
ChanServ sets mode: +v user
That was pretty annoying!
Thanks and have fun