PANIC! Sending event db_saving stop (User defined signal 1: 30)
7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #1:
Anope version 1.7.22 upgraded from 1.7.19 and kept all the *.db
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Current Module list:
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: cs_appendtopic [$Id: cs_appendtopic.c 1369 2008-02-05 13:51:50Z geniusdex $] [Supported]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: cs_enforce [$Id: cs_enforce.c 1345 2008-01-13 12:54:14Z geniusdex $] [Supported]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: cs_tban [$Id: cs_tban.c 1345 2008-01-13 12:54:14Z geniusdex $] [Supported]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: cs_statusupdate [2.0] [3rd]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: cs_mypower [$Id: cs_mypower.c v1.0.1 18-01-2007 n00bie $] [3rd]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: cs_autovoice [$Id: cs_autovoice.c v1.0.0 23-02-2008 n00bie $] [3rd]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: cs_accessfounder [3.3] [3rd]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: enc_none [$Id: enc_none.c 1424 2008-09-02 15:14:59Z viper $] [Encryption]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: global_chanreg [1.0] [3rd]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: hs_request [$Id: hs_request.c 1397 2008-06-03 18:44:54Z geniusdex $] [Supported]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: ircd_wallonreg [2.1] [3rd]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: m_connect_flood [3.3] [3rd]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: ns_maxemail [$Id: ns_maxemail.c 1345 2008-01-13 12:54:14Z geniusdex $] [Supported]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: ns_masset [$Id: ns_masset.c v1.0.0 19-10-2006 n00bie $] [3rd]
[27:09:08/02:19:31] -OperServ- Module: os_info [$Id: os_info.c 1391 2008-04-06 15:07:31Z rob $] [Supported]
[27:09:08/02:19:32] -OperServ- Module: os_mkill [1.26] [3rd]
[27:09:08/02:19:32] -OperServ- Module: os_nosuperumodesvsnick [1.0] [3rd]
[27:09:08/02:19:32] -OperServ- Module: unreal32 [$Id: unreal32.c 1426 2008-09-03 20:11:12Z viper $] [Protocol]
[27:09:08/02:19:32] -OperServ- 18 Modules loaded.
I got this error, checked the log and read the exact same thing with no other details. If it helps, ns_clist was loaded a few minutes prior to this error but I don't think they have anything to do with each other.
Any ideas?