i got a problem with starting anope 1.6.4..
when i start ./services the services don't connect..
here the log:
[May 27 13:03:52.729903 2006] debug: Sent: CLIENT ChanServ 1 1148727832 +S + ser vices DaRKIRC.org * services.DaRKIRC.org 0 0 :Channel Server
[May 27 13:03:52.730051 2006] debug: Sent: SQLINE ChanServ :Reserved for service s
[May 27 13:03:52.730198 2006] debug: Sent: CLIENT HostServ 1 1148727832 +o + ser vices DaRKIRC.org * services.DaRKIRC.org 0 0 :vHost Server
[May 27 13:03:52.730347 2006] debug: Sent: SQLINE HostServ :Reserved for service s
[May 27 13:03:52.730493 2006] debug: Sent: CLIENT MemoServ 1 1148727832 +S + ser vices DaRKIRC.org * services.DaRKIRC.org 0 0 :Memo Server
[May 27 13:03:52.730640 2006] debug: Sent: SQLINE MemoServ :Reserved for service s
[May 27 13:03:52.730786 2006] debug: Sent: CLIENT BotServ 1 1148727832 +S + serv ices DaRKIRC.org * services.DaRKIRC.org 0 0 :Bot Server
[May 27 13:03:52.730933 2006] debug: Sent: SQLINE BotServ :Reserved for services
[May 27 13:03:52.731135 2006] debug: Sent: CLIENT HelpServ 1 1148727832 +Sh + se rvices DaRKIRC.org * services.DaRKIRC.org 0 0 :Help Server
[May 27 13:03:52.731284 2006] debug: Sent: SQLINE HelpServ :Reserved for service s
[May 27 13:03:52.731431 2006] debug: Sent: CLIENT OperServ 1 1148727832 +iS + se rvices DaRKIRC.org * services.DaRKIRC.org 0 0 :Operator Server
[May 27 13:03:52.731578 2006] debug: Sent: SQLINE OperServ :Reserved for service s
[May 27 13:03:52.731725 2006] debug: Sent: CLIENT Global 1 1148727832 +iS + serv ices DaRKIRC.org * services.DaRKIRC.org 0 0 :Global Noticer
[May 27 13:03:52.731871 2006] debug: Sent: SQLINE Global :Reserved for services
[May 27 13:03:52.732021 2006] debug: Received: :darkirc.org NOTICE AUTH :*** Loo king up your hostname...
[May 27 13:03:52.732170 2006] unknown message from server (:darkirc.org NOTICE A UTH :*** Looking up your hostname...)
[May 27 13:03:52.732382 2006] debug: Received: :darkirc.org NOTICE AUTH :*** Che cking Ident
[May 27 13:03:52.732510 2006] unknown message from server (:darkirc.org NOTICE A UTH :*** Checking Ident)
[May 27 13:03:52.732722 2006] debug: Received: :darkirc.org NOTICE AUTH :*** No Ident response
[May 27 13:03:52.732850 2006] unknown message from server (:darkirc.org NOTICE A UTH :*** No Ident response)
[May 27 13:03:52.733065 2006] debug: Received: :darkirc.org NOTICE AUTH :*** Fou nd your hostname
[May 27 13:03:52.733192 2006] unknown message from server (:darkirc.org NOTICE A UTH :*** Found your hostname)
[May 27 13:03:52.733392 2006] debug: Received: ERROR :Closing Link: (NO N line)
[May 27 13:03:52.733515 2006] unknown message from server (ERROR :Closing Link: (NO N line))
[May 27 13:03:52.733676 2006] Read error from server: Broken pipe
[May 27 13:03:52.733805 2006] debug: Sent: :services.DaRKIRC.org SQUIT services. DaRKIRC.org :Read error from server: Broken pipe
i tried it 100x times but always the same!!