RE superadmin. SuperAdmin isn't enabled on all networks, some choose to disable it because it can be easily abused. SuperAdmin is also restricted to ServicesRoots only. However, you need to learn the very basics long before worring about SuperAdmin. Basics like: /chanserv help
ALL commands starting with SVS* are actually services commands and as an oper you really shouldn't be using them because they are highly abusive. Abuse your users and they will all leave. I promise.
After 10 years on IRC you should at least know how to use services help functions. *ALL* services packages have them and have had them for much longer than 10 years. I could understand not knowing somethings simply due to lack of exposure like say U:Lines if you you know nothing but ircu, but seriously after 10 years , you don't know help or that channels aren't registered via the OPER services bot?!?! Please .. next fairy tale.