- Hoping to run into someone else with too much time on their hands, I post my humble request here. Originally intended to use this project as an excuse to learn making modules, but progress is slow at the rate I'm getting into these things.
- Allow channel operators to request, and optionally get rid of, the Denora statsbot in their channel without admin intervention.
- An /invite from a channel operator adds that channel to database
- Depending on module configuration, selected conditions must be true for inviting channels
- Optionally require a configurable nick to be present in the channel (services)
- Optionally require a configurable channel mode to be set (registered channel)
- Optionally require a certain amount of people inside the channel
- Denora stays in channel according to global configuration
- Perhaps leave if conditions above are configured and no longer true (if set to do so)
- In cases where the Denora client is prone to it, remove channel from database when a /kick is received
- The important part is seeing the goal achieved. Compatibility across server types would be nice too. The ideas outlined is just how I picture such functionality without interacting with the bot directly (as with privmsg).