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Author Topic: bs_fantasy_ext (Version 1.4.1 Released - Critical update!)  (Read 273152 times)

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« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2006, 11:27:10 PM »

this module doesnt listen to the access list or the services oper/admin/root lists. when i tried to do a !levels change, i get -EvilServer-   Access denied: Only founders can use this command. even though i am a services root and access 10 on the channel.

Jan Milants

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« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2006, 12:10:18 AM »

that is correct...

i haven't implemented services oper commands (like !kill and !akill or so) yet and if i decide to implement them it will have to be enabled in the config. i do this because imho those commands have nothing to do with channel stuff and are most likely only going to be used by opers having fun with !kill'ing people.
same goes for services admin or root access to channels. the fantasy commands check whether the user has access to the command according to the channels' access list, if not permission is denied. i m one of those people who think opers don't have any business with channel matters and since this module was primarily written for my own use, this too would have to be activated in a conf or so...
because i won't be using those functionalities anways, it s not exactly high on my priority list for implementation either... for now i ll be focussing on bugfixes, improving existing features and adding common new ones (non oper commands)...

so i m not saying i won't add a way for opers to use their abusive commands, but it s far from high priority....

edit: it s not exactly true that only founders can use the command... if you use xop off and change the level required for a command, any1 with that level will be allowed to the the fantasy command

[Edited on 7-5-2006 by Viper]
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« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2006, 12:32:45 AM »

thats the same reason why its not in my cs_fantasy too. no point having it. im sure there is already a ircd_something module that does !kill

reason is to get the bugs out of these modules asap


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« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2006, 01:57:55 AM »

well, i help a founder manage his channel so it is helpful for me to have these commands. but, i have xop disabled already and im level 10 access and it still does not let me perform the !levels command to make a change. i can make the change through /chanserv levels, etc but not through !levels. i wouldnt want !kill and !akill either and these commands are not for abusive purposes. as the admin of a network, im helping the founder of the most popular chan manage his chan because he does not know how.

Jan Milants

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« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2006, 06:37:21 PM »

yea that s cause levels is always restricted to people who have the channel password... can't be changed.
and like i said i will eventually add an option that will allow you to enable services admins/roots to access those commands, it s just no high priority atm...
If you like me donate coins to 1FBmZVT4J8WAUMHKqpWhgNVj3XXnRN1cCk :)


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« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2006, 07:00:01 PM »

anything new done on this module? It's been a month... also, I have a request... is it possible you could find a way to customize it so you can use . instead of the ! fantasy character? The network I'm merging with in 3 weeks is requesting the . fantasy character instead of the !. Thanks for your quick reply.

Jan Milants

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« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2006, 07:51:36 PM »

yes i am implementing some new (optional) (oper) commands since a lot of ppl like those, though i fail to see the use of them, except for making it easier to "toy" with users
also working on allowing SRA / SA access to the commands they normally have access to through chanerv like owine  requested.
and the commands can allready be triggered with a . just change the fantasy char in the config file it shouldn't make any problem over that. one thing that s still not really implemented on that part is the help... the help will always show the command with "!" instead of the char specified in services.conf

but i m in the middle of my exams atm so progress is rather slow.
i made my initial release right before the exams to get any bugs out and i m waiting with posting the next version untill all commands & features i got in mind are added. call the one currently for download a beta 1 and next one would be beta 2 ;)

edit: if any1 else has more requests now s the time... i ve planned a vacation during summer so what s not in it by then won't be added anytime soon :)

[Edited on 3-6-2006 by Viper]
If you like me donate coins to 1FBmZVT4J8WAUMHKqpWhgNVj3XXnRN1cCk :)


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« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2006, 08:29:37 PM »

so how do i use it?  I load it it is loaded but I can;t seem to find the command to activate fantasy.

[15:26] -> *operserv* MODLOAD bs_fantasy_ext
[15:26] *** Global -- from OperServ: Spre loaded module bs_fantasy_ext
[15:26] -OperServ- Module bs_fantasy_ext loaded


[15:27] -> *operserv* MODINFO bs_fantasy_ext
[15:27] -OperServ- Module: bs_fantasy_ext Version: 1.0.7 (beta) Author: Viper loaded: Jun 04 19:27:36 2006 EST
[15:27] -OperServ- No information about module bs_fantasy_ext is available

Jan Milants

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« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2006, 08:39:07 PM »

try "/botsserv help set fantasy"

once the module is loaded the fantasy commands will be available in any channel with a botserv bot and fantasy enabled. this module doesn't add any commands to anope, it makes several of the available with ! triggers...

if your ircd doesn't support botserv bots or if you don't use them, this module is useless, but most common ircds support it. In the rare event you can't/don't use botserv you can use tom's module: cs_fantasy_full ... practically does the same as this, but replaces all botserv bots by chanserv.
If you like me donate coins to 1FBmZVT4J8WAUMHKqpWhgNVj3XXnRN1cCk :)

Jan Milants

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« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2006, 11:32:11 AM »

A new version has been released: 1.1.3
Check the first post for a download link.
Please report bugs ASAP as i will be leaving on vacation soon and i would like this to be working properly before i go.

Change Log:
Code: [Select]

1.1.3 Added support for multi-user commands (!op user1 user2) for up to 5 nicks
      Added the botserv set options to the set trigger
      Added the botserv kick options with a 'bkick" trigger
      Made the module ready for Windows Support (Will be added when Anope-1.7.15 is released)

1.1.2 Rewrote the help and commandlist system
      Fixed bug in xop system as fixed in Anope 1.7.14 (1059)

1.1.1 Used svsmode when svsmode_ucmode is set to clear channel modes.
      Added the ability to disable fantasy commands before compiling the module.

1.1.0 Added oper fantasy commands with a configuration directive to enable them (Requested)
      Added the ability to allow services admins access to the channel fantasy commands. (settable in conf)
      Changed !version and !info to !sversion and !minfo (old triggers were too common)
      Added info

[Edited on 28-6-2006 by Viper]
If you like me donate coins to 1FBmZVT4J8WAUMHKqpWhgNVj3XXnRN1cCk :)


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« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2006, 01:39:17 PM »

First of all, WONDERFUL WORK!
I think our users will like having access again to shorthands such as !mute and !akick which were missing from ProjectDead's version.

Would it be possible to make it so that !topic also works for regular AOPs and above, as long as as TOPICLOCK is not active?
So it would simulate their access to /topic instead of just the /cs topic access?
So, kinda like how ProjectDead's topic worked (although ProjectDead's version still worked if TOPICLOCK was on)
And perhaps also add in the !admin list that used to be in ProjectDead's version?

Finally, would it be possible to include WildCard matched nicks in the GOListExcempNick list?
So one could just exempt (which is without the 'c' ;p) *Serv instead of all the separate nicks?

[Edited on 2006.7.4 by FiXato]

Jan Milants

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« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2006, 01:55:26 PM »

i ll take a look at the topic trigger so it works for everyone with OPDEOPME access when topiclock is turned off
i m not sure what you mean with the admin trigger, you mean a shortcut to !staff or !ircops maybe ?

as for adding wildcard mathes to the GOListExcempNick i ll put it on the todo as well if it aint to hard to implement...

those changes probably won't be made within the next 14 days though, i m about to leave on vacation to spain so i won't have time to implement entirely new stuff before i get back...
If you like me donate coins to 1FBmZVT4J8WAUMHKqpWhgNVj3XXnRN1cCk :)


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« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2006, 02:02:21 PM »

Thanks for the quick reply ;)
Well, and as for the !admin shorthand, it is like !staff, but only reports the online Admins, and not the IRCOps as well.
I noticed you mentioned Dutch translations in your ToDo. Do you have them ready and only need to be implemented? Or do you need help translating them? If the latter, I can have them ready for you when you get back from your vacation ;)
Enjoy your holidays Viper! :)

Jan Milants

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« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2006, 02:20:47 PM »

i haven't had a chance to start on the dutch translation yet. it s mainly copy paste work of the most important parts (the ones i used in the english version) from the anope language files, or what is returned with an anope help with changes to syntax and so...
would be very happy if i don't have to look after that dull todo item myself anymore :)
If you like me donate coins to 1FBmZVT4J8WAUMHKqpWhgNVj3XXnRN1cCk :)


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« Reply #39 on: July 04, 2006, 03:44:19 PM »

I'll do my best then ;)


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« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2006, 01:50:43 AM »

I dont know if this happens on other servers, but when i type !help access followed by a !help config the services die.  I am running Plexus 3.00 and the svn version of anope. here is the log


[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] PANIC! buffer = :blue PRIVMSG #chat :!help config
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace: Segmentation fault detected
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace: report the following lines
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace: Anope version 1.7.14 (1079) build #1, compiled Jul  4 2006 06:32:45  QM
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace(0): /usr/local/ircd3/services/services(do_backtrace+0x51) [0x806fe41]
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace(1): /usr/local/ircd3/services/services(sighandler+0x10d) [0x806ffbd]
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace(2): [0xffffe420]
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace(3): /usr/local/ircd3/services/services(destroyModule+0x29) [0x8073d29]
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace(4): /usr/local/ircd3/services/services(delModule+0x86) [0x8073e26]
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace(5): /usr/local/ircd3/services/services(modules_unload_all+0x90) [0x8076b30]
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace(6): /usr/local/ircd3/services/services(sighandler+0x16e) [0x807001e]
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace(7): [0xffffe420]
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace(8): /usr/local/ircd3/services/services(destroyModule+0x29) [0x8073d29]
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace(9): /usr/local/ircd3/services/services(delModule+0x86) [0x8073e26]
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Backtrace: complete
[Jul 04 17:48:02 2006] Services terminating: Segmentation fault

for now i just removed the line that diplays the help segment about !help config so nobody can crash my server.

[Edited on 5-7-2006 by blueillusion]


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« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2006, 08:40:04 AM »

I am running anope 1.7.14 (regular release) with the latest bs_fantasy_ext on unrealircd 3.2.5, and could not reproduce this one :)

odd that that PANIC! message occurs so much 0_0.. I thought it usually only shows once?

[Edited on 2006.7.5 by FiXato]

Jan Milants

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« Reply #42 on: July 05, 2006, 02:54:02 PM »

they were there allright... i still haven't had a chance to test it with plexusircd, i have however fixed the crashbugs in the helpsystem. there were quite a few actually. i hadn't had time to go over all help things, i think they r all out now though.

it didn't crash on the .14, but the svn s a bit more  sensitive about it apparently... anyways, it were coding errors :)
recommended to upgrade to 1.1.4 asap...
If you like me donate coins to 1FBmZVT4J8WAUMHKqpWhgNVj3XXnRN1cCk :)

Charles Kingsley

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« Reply #43 on: July 05, 2006, 10:01:56 PM »


This module is available from

Viper is now on holiday/vacation.


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« Reply #44 on: July 06, 2006, 07:04:18 PM »

Ahh i love the bug fixes viper, thank you very much! works great on plexus 3.00, im going to test more of it now


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« Reply #45 on: July 07, 2006, 05:27:14 AM »

Hi there,

A few bugs/typos that I've come across using this module. Excellent work though, it's really added something special to my network for chanops and IRCops to use.

Segmentation fault on null !mode

Running Anope 1.7.14 SVN 1079 on UnrealIRCd 3.2.5

[Jul 06 21:25:46.756840 2006] debug: Received: :chasingsol PRIVMSG :!mode
[Jul 06 21:25:46.756959 2006] debug: Emitting event "bot_command" (3 args)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x08072dc6 in myStrGetToken (str=0x11 <Address 0x11 out of bounds>, dilim=32 ' ', token_number=0) at misc.c:642
642         len = strlen(str);
(gdb) bt
#0  0x08072dc6 in myStrGetToken (str=0x11 <Address 0x11 out of bounds>, dilim=32 ' ', token_number=0) at misc.c:642
#1  0x005a5281 in do_fantasy (ac=3, av=0x86bbc30) at bs_fantasy_ext.c:1765
#2  0x0806841d in event_process_hook (name=0x808b66b "bot_command", argc=3, argv=0x86bbc30) at events.c:162
#3  0x080684d6 in send_event (name=0x808b66b "bot_command", argc=3) at events.c:55
#4  0x080581da in botchanmsgs (u=0x86acec0, ci=0x865dd40, buf=0xbfe0e9b6 "!mode") at botserv.c:419
#5  0x080713ad in m_privmsg (source=0xbfe0ebe0 "chasingsol", receiver=0xbfe0e9a8 "", msg=0xbfe0e9b6 "!mode")
    at messages.c:138
#6  0x004cd5c2 in anope_event_privmsg (source=0x0, ac=2, av=0x86acfc8) at unreal32.c:1507
#7  0x0807fb53 in process () at process.c:273
#8  0x0806fa26 in main (ac=3, av=0xbfe0ed14, envp=0xbfe0ed24) at main.c:580

The module appears to lock up services in a FUTEX_WAIT state randomly. Unfortunately, I have been unable to reproduce this on my test network, it only occurs on my larger 2000+ user network. I will run services under gdb to attempt to get a backtrace of when this occurs.

Additionally, "!help all" returns "No help is available for this command."
Line 6535, misspelling of communicate.
!append does not work if an op is already in channel when the module is loaded.


chasingsol @

[Edited on 7-7-2006 by chasingsol]


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« Reply #46 on: July 09, 2006, 05:21:47 PM »

is it possible you could add this to a backup mirror? anope's module location is going repulsively slow for me :/


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« Reply #47 on: July 09, 2006, 07:40:02 PM »

once again, the !help made anope leak into the RAM very badly, forcing me to have to reboot the machine... something's up


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« Reply #48 on: July 10, 2006, 07:54:10 AM »

Can you change !append to !appendtopic btw? Since !append has been in use by the ZBOT module for quite some time now to append something to a zbot keyword definition.


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« Reply #49 on: July 11, 2006, 01:05:34 AM »

Follow-up on my post of a couple of days ago.

Ran services under gdb, and they didn't crash, the box ran out of memory and the process was killed by the kernel. This is different to the FUTEX_WAIT state I have experienced before, but I can't continue to test the module on a production network to test further.

Jul 10 17:03:41 tx1 kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process 27446 (services).

That's some memory leak! It took 22 hours and 1 minute to leak enough that my server ran out of memory (1GB) and swap (1GB). Load average hit 50+ on a single core cpu before the kernel stepped in.

I can't recommend that larger networks use this module right now, unless you want the possibility of your services box becoming unreachable. I'm sure on smaller networks the memory leak rate will be much less, but on a 2000+ user network, it can be catastrophic.

[Edited on 7-11-2006 by chasingsol]
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