Hi guys,
I install anope 2.0.7 on UNreal5.0.4.
And the problems is when i register a NICKNAME or a CHANNEL it doesnt put mode +r.
When Whois:
foofighter@NetAdmin.elsitio.com.py [Paraguay] * foofighterss
+info : neo is using modes +iowsxzHtW +kcfvGqSsob
+info : neo is connecting from *@bou73-1-78-229-192-235.fbx.proxad.net
Canales : @#services
Servidor : irc.elsitio.com.py elsitio.com.py - Tu punto de encuentro
IRCop : is an IRC Operator (miguerk) [netadmin]
[18:30] neo is using a Secure Connection
[18:30] neo is using an IP with a reputation score of 35
[18:30] neo is a Network Administrator --------------------------SHOULD BE HERE when registered and identified = neo is logged in as Neo
Login : 4mins 41secs idle : 2mins 28secs
In my whois i dont see this: neo is logged in as Neo -
When i register a #channel, chanserv dont put +r on channel the registered channel modes.
If someone has some tips. Touching this like 2 day already cant find a solution.
Thanks, sorry for my english.