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Author Topic: Need to /hop for op!  (Read 3332 times)

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Need to /hop for op!
« on: March 17, 2020, 05:19:58 PM »

Hi :)

I have a permission problem on my small IRC network.

I'm running InspIRCd v3.5.0, Anope 2.0.7 and ZNC 1.7.5 - And I use AdiIRC as a client (The same happen with mIRC)

The Problem

When I join a channel that I have AOP in (I'm on the list), I need /hop before I get it OP

This happens any time I have been disconnected from the Network

I don't know if this can be of any help.

When I Join a channel I have OP in!

[17:47:35] * Now talking in: #Info
[17:47:35] * Taxick ( joins #Info
[17:47:36] * #Info has modes: +:mnrst
[17:47:36] * #Info created on Tue Mar 17 17:33:36 2020

When I /Hop

[17:48:37] * Now talking in: #Info
[17:48:37] * Taxick ( joins #Info
[17:48:37] * L33T sets mode: +o Taxick
[17:48:37] * #Info has modes: +:mnrst
[17:48:37] * #Info created on Tue Mar 17 17:33:36 2020

L33T is a fantasy bot i have created on anope

I can post my config files if needed.


BTW... If you mean its InspIRCd that is the problem, I will try to contact them instead... But i think is anope that the problem!


My other staff members have the same problem as well (They also need to /hop)

Sorry for my bad english!

Kind regards

Thomas aka Taxick
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 05:26:11 PM by Thomas »


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Re: Need to /hop for op!
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2020, 05:54:42 PM »

hello Thomas!
could you please check
/msg nickserv status <yournick>
before you do the hop?

i think that you status is only 2, instead of 3, so you are not really identified and you only gain access in channels if you really auth with pw/cert to ns.
i guess when you connect, your client or a script auth's you with ns, so whenever you do a hop, you will get your rights.

please check that first. later on we can move on, but i'm pretty sure that this cause you the issue.


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Re: Need to /hop for op!
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2020, 07:01:23 PM »

Hi :)

Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it

When I run: /msg nickserv status Taxick

I get this reply: [19:54:09] -NickServ- STATUS Taxick 3 Taxick

[19:52:26] * Now talking in: #Info
[19:52:26] * Taxick (Taxick@geekblog-uvn.h0c.t0g0qc.IP) joins #Info
[19:52:27] * #Info has modes: +:mnrst
[19:52:27] * #Info created on Tue Mar 17 19:41:12 2020


[19:55:36] * Rejoining..
[19:55:37] * Rejoined #Info
[19:55:37] * Now talking in: #Info
[19:55:37] * Taxick ( joins #Info
[19:55:37] * L33T sets mode: +o Taxick
[19:55:37] * #Info has modes: +:mnrst
[19:55:37] * #Info created on Tue Mar 17 19:41:12 2020

My Perform:

/nick Taxick
/ns IDENTIFY Taxick My.Super.Password
/oper Taxick My.Super.Password
/OPERSERV LOGIN My.Super.Password

Can it help you?


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Re: Need to /hop for op!
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2020, 07:20:05 PM »

mhm. interesting.
however as far as i can see you run the status after you did the performs :)

are we talking about znc's "*perform" ? :) or your client's perform like for example mirc?
i think it is yours (client) based on the command /ns identify.

so.. as far as i can see:
if you get DCed from the server, your znc rejoins, however you don't get auth-ed to nickserv.
so when your znc join to the chan, you dont have rights, but when you login to your znc, your client does the perform actions like the ns identify, so after the hop, you get your rights.

for znc you can load modules like:
1, keepnick   -- so you can avoid your perform /nick <nick> ; this way znc will try to keep your nick on what you set/leave it.
2, you should check nickserv module (load it and then /msg *nickserv help); you can set your ns user and pw here, so therefore your znc will do the auth.
3, znc also have a perform module (after load), you can do a /msg *perform list


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Re: Need to /hop for op!
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2020, 07:45:16 PM »

Hey :)

Thanks for your reply!

Before I used AdiIRC NickServ login module, but now I use only ZNC. But the problem is still there... (I have restarted ZNC)

There is a very strange think. There are some other users on the channel. Like user1 and user2. (user1 and user2 have +auto V)

But I can not see the rank (+v) user1 and user2 have! But if i /hop I give the user1 and user2 +v  and it give me +o!


« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 07:46:49 PM by Thomas »


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Re: Need to /hop for op!
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2020, 07:55:31 PM »

"But I can not see the rank (+v) user1 and user2 have! But if i /hop I give the user1 and user2 +v  and it give me +o!"

do i get it right: if there are users in chan, who's are having auto voice or op - whatever - and whenever you join and do a /hop to get your autoop, the other users are getting their auto voice /ops at the same time?
well.. lol. idk. i wont ask if you set the ulines correctly, because i think you did and i dont think thats the problem, but its pretty strange for sure. seems like a sync issue or something. never heard of such.
on the other hand, i dont use inspir, i have no clue what should cause this.

maybe someone else will give you few ideas.


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Re: Need to /hop for op!
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2020, 10:39:31 PM »

The first problem you are likely encountering would be the 'client parser issue' (reference) that exists in ZNC 1.7.5. I believe the fix for ZNC only exists in the master branch (1.8.x). Between ZNC and whichever client you use, the mode changes may be happening but not showing within your client. I don't recall which version of mIRC this issue is for sure fixed in, but I would recommend using mIRC directly to your server (with raw debug on). A few other things to try when you first join the channel (can try with ZNC in the mix too):
  • Run '/names #chan' and you'll either see some output in your active or status window or the nicklist in the channel should update with the proper prefix/status modes.
  • Run '/check #chan' (load the module 'check' if needed). This will list what the server knows about the channel. Modes and users (and their prefixes) are what we're looking for.
Basically you need to narrow down the real issue. I'd start with the /names and/or /check commands, moving onto taking ZNC out of the mix and having mIRC debug enabled. If you can narrow down that you are identified to your NickServ account, join the channel, and not receive the correct modes, then we'd want to run Anope in debug to see what's going on.


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Re: Need to /hop for op!
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2020, 11:02:30 AM »

"But I can not see the rank (+v) user1 and user2 have! But if i /hop I give the user1 and user2 +v  and it give me +o!"

do i get it right: if there are users in chan, who's are having auto voice or op - whatever - and whenever you join and do a /hop to get your autoop, the other users are getting their auto voice /ops at the same time?
well.. lol. idk. i wont ask if you set the ulines correctly, because i think you did and i dont think thats the problem, but its pretty strange for sure. seems like a sync issue or something. never heard of such.
on the other hand, i dont use inspir, i have no clue what should cause this.

maybe someone else will give you few ideas.

Hi Lord255  :)

Thanks for your reply! - Yes, you understood it correctly!

I have these to uline in inspircd

<uline server="" silent="yes">
<uline server="" silent="yes">
Will I also need to add uline i anope?

The first problem you are likely encountering would be the 'client parser issue' (reference) that exists in ZNC 1.7.5. I believe the fix for ZNC only exists in the master branch (1.8.x). Between ZNC and whichever client you use, the mode changes may be happening but not showing within your client. I don't recall which version of mIRC this issue is for sure fixed in, but I would recommend using mIRC directly to your server (with raw debug on). A few other things to try when you first join the channel (can try with ZNC in the mix too):
  • Run '/names #chan' and you'll either see some output in your active or status window or the nicklist in the channel should update with the proper prefix/status modes.
  • Run '/check #chan' (load the module 'check' if needed). This will list what the server knows about the channel. Modes and users (and their prefixes) are what we're looking for.
Basically you need to narrow down the real issue. I'd start with the /names and/or /check commands, moving onto taking ZNC out of the mix and having mIRC debug enabled. If you can narrow down that you are identified to your NickServ account, join the channel, and not receive the correct modes, then we'd want to run Anope in debug to see what's going on.

Hi, thanks for your reply

I think you right with the "client parser issue"

If I connect to a with mirc (without znc), it works!

If I run '/names #chan' when I connected to ZNC, it's correctly showing the right info, and update all users.

So what can i do to fix the problem?
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