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I have put a perl bot online (idlebot) and have tried to set a vhost on the nick with
--- Code: ---/msg hostserv set <nick> <hostmask>
--- End code ---
and tried
--- Code: ---/msg hostserv activate <nick>
--- End code ---
the bot didn't get the vhost. But if i login on my computer with
--- Code: ---/msg nickserv identify <password>
--- End code ---
the vhost gets displayed. Do i do something wrong?

Does your idlebot identify himself against NickServ ?
Can you show us its config file ?

I know that idlerpg bot has a botident setting, but depending on your bot, the system could be different.

Hello, <-- its the one from here :)

i also have idlerpg as a bot, but here is what i usually do for my bots:

i do go up on the server, register the nick, asks for the vhost, waits, get it, activate it. :)
then i quit, set up the bot to identify against nickserv then just connect it. and voila.
if the bot identifies well, the bot gets the vhost.


also idlerpg have option to identify with nickserv.
did you set it up properly?

# (identify) command to send upon successful connect. if using a privmsg
# command, you must begin the text of the message with a ":" -- see below
botident PRIVMSG NickServ :identify <pwhere>

# command sent to recover nick if bot's primary nickname is in use if using a
# privmsg command, you must begin the text of the message with a ":" -- see
# below
botghostcmd PRIVMSG NickServ :ghost %botnick% <pwhere>

if you do a
/msg nickserv status <idlerpgbotnick>
what's the number which you get back ?:) does the /whois of the bot shows that the bot is identified against nickserv?

And I do exactly the same, and it's work.
So, check your configuration, test the vhost with your IRC client, disconnect, then start idlerpg.


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