As the topic title said, my problem is i have no access to operserv.
On commands like /operserv help or /msg operserv global test i receive this error:
-OperServ- Access denied.
/Nickserv info tells me this:
-NickServ- Rvec is a services admin.
/mode rvec tells me this:
Rvec +Oiwsrgnh
and /oper rvec passwd tells me this:
WATCH=65535 MAXCHANNELS=30 CHANLIMIT=#:30 are available on this server
You are now an IRC Operator
services.conf reads:
ServicesRoot "Rvec"
my software is ubuntu, bahamut and anope.
versions of anope and bahamut are the latest stable releases.
Linux server 2.6.15-23-server #1 SMP Tue May 23 15:10:35 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
Thank you for your time.
And I am already glad if you tell me one word to search for.
[Edited on 22-7-2007 by rvec]