> Anope General

missing modules


Luc Mccarragher:
try to enable stats on anope-2.0.5

Some Module Not Exist in the install file

Error while loading m_chanstats (file does not exist)
Error while loading cs_fantasy_stats (file does not exist)
Error while loading cs_fantasy_top (file does not exist)
Error while loading irc2sql (file does not exist)

i search the Web and can not Found anythings

Jens Voss:
go into the anope source directory and run the ./extras script.
You have to enable the modules there.

Dont forget to run "make" and "make install" after you enabled the module.

Luc Mccarragher:
This  ./extra script work With Windows (anope) ?
Anyway i will try

I try it, i need to compile it , (need visual Studio 2010 +)
i am a User , not a Programmer

I do not understand why in the original Archive of anope 2.0.5 it is not include by default
or someone put on the Forum !


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