I need some advise. I've got a fresh install of magirc and anope. Where the stats are supposed to be displayed on the website, it just says 'please wait - loading..' and it would just stay there.
I checked on the mysql db and all tables has been created and populated by magirc, chanstats and irc2sql.
| Tables_in_anope |
| anope_chan |
| anope_chanstats |
| anope_currentusage |
| anope_geoip_country |
| anope_history |
| anope_ison |
| anope_maxusage |
| anope_maxusers |
| anope_server |
| anope_user |
| irc2sql_chan |
| irc2sql_geoip_country |
| irc2sql_ison |
| irc2sql_maxusers |
| irc2sql_server |
| irc2sql_user |
| magirc_admin |
| magirc_config |
| magirc_content |
The only error I could find was in the apache logs:
exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table
'anope.chanstats' doesn't exist' in /var/www/html/magirc/lib/magirc/services/Anope.class.php:825
It would say that for each one of the tables. Why would it be looking for anope.whatever table when the anope.sql created tables with an underscore?
Please advise.
Version info:
MagIRC 1.0.2
Service anope
IRCd unreal32
PHP 5.6.27
Slim Framework 2.5.0
Smarty 3.1.27