Originally posted by Shadow
1) Make ALL Services not reply in unregistered users to save bandwidth! The only commands users can use is the /msg nickserv help and the /ns register NOTHING ELSE! So if you are unregistered you cant see the info of a nick/chan and also services will ignore you from EVERYTHING.. for example from the entrymsg when joining the chan.. That is great to save bandwidth.. in big networks!
I dont see this saving any bandwidth, frankly i see it wasting it and annoying users in the process... User A logs on, does a /ns info UserB - finds they cant unless they register, so they /ns register, then /ns info - we just wasted a load of bandwidth for no reason.
2) Make NickServ/ChanServ info to saw a line for the Expiration day of the nick/chan.. for example Expire: 2weeks 3days 5hours 4mins and when the nick/chan is NOEXPIRE to say Expire: Never
Services admins will already see something like:
services@your-irc.net)- Expires on: Aug 22 17:17:11 2006 BST
For nicks, assuming they do /ns info all
3) Make new command In ChanServ for roots/admins with which if it is on to a channel only the roots can change the founder/password and drop the chan.. That is good to protect official channels from faults that can have as result to lose a chan etc.. you can tell me make yourself owner for not having problem.. but that is not a solution.. in a network you have some channels like #Help which you want to give to a user to organise it but you dont wish him to be available change pass or founder or even drop it..
Set yourself as founder, turn on secure founder, and give the person managing the channel the channel password.
They cant drop the channel or change the channel password/founder....
4) Make Services to be able to set their nicks as founders in channels.. for example maybe i want to have the OperServ founder of #OPERS chan and HelpServ founder of #HELP chan.. Yeah maybe its lame.. but networks have some official channels and its good to have a service as a founder (so none ask you access and all that things..).. that of course will be able only from roots/admins
As already pointed out, just make a dummy nick, set it to noexpire and use that.
5) Make a new command in operserv with which roots/admins can add a user with his network access.. like the services access with which say in the nickserv info Is Services Root.. with that You will be able to add a user as Network Admin/Server Admin/Globalop/Localop .. is just for the /ns info thing and will looks like: Network Access: Network Admin
Personally i dont really see the point, but it would be easy to do as a module, take a look at os_info for an example of a module which does something very similar.
6) Make The SecureServ of Neostats module for Anope Services.. will be great
why neostats already does it.
7) is like the 2) Add a line to the nickserv/chanserv info which will say for how many years/weeks the nick is registered: like Registered for: 2years 2weeks 3days 4hours
Why, we already tell you when the nick was registered... assuming you know the current date.....