Anope Development > Modules

Module: bs_fantasy_ext



Is possible to be command for ban / mute / kickban / kick / with default time 5 min and to add less or more time example and multi nicks in 1 line per mode

set ban-type default 2

set ban-time default 5

for unreal line mode is 12 max

when we need to change ban type and add more or less time for ban


!b nick1 nick2 nick3 4(ban-type/domain) 10(ban-time in Min) = !b nick1 nick2 nick3 4 10 = !b nick 4 = !b nick 4 10

!m nick1 nick2 nick3 4(ban-type/domain) 10(ban-time in Min) = !m nick1 nick2 nick3 4 10 = !m nick 4 = !m nick 4 10

!kb nick1 nick2 nick3 4(ban-type/domain) 10(ban-time in Min) = !kb nick1 nick2 nick3 4 10 = !kb nick 4 = !kb nick 4 10

!k nick1 nick2 nick3

+bbb *!*@* *!*@* *!*@*

+bbb ~q:*!*@* ~q:*!*@* ~q:*!*@*

and for voice devoice same

!v nick1 nick2 nick3
+vvv nick1 nick2 nick3

!dv nick1 nick2 nick3
-vvv nick1 nick2 nick3

for unban =  !ub nick1 nick2 nick3

And when is match hostmask of or when we ban, to set ban on cloud mibbit iden example

cloud +b *!uid23456@*
mibbit +b *!b45dy34@*

And for Opers the commands

same as ban and time to have as default permament time 0 and reason

!gline nick nick2 nick3 15h reason
!akill nick1 nick2 nick3 15h reason
!zline nick1 nick2 nick3 15h reason
!gzline nick1 nick2 nick3 15h reason
!shun nick1 nick2 nick3 15h reason
!kill nick1 nick2 ncik3 reason

!sqline nick1 nick2 ncik3 reason

And when is match hostmask of  when we gline/akill/shun, to set gline/akill/shun on cloud ident = gline/akill/shun set to mask   *uid/sid12345@*
so if we make !zline nick the ban to go redirect akill in *uid/sid12345@* if is match hostmask/ip of

!rem *@ | *@79.106.* from all zline akill gline gzline shun

thx in advance


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