> Anope General

QuoteServ :P

(1/2) > >>

Howdy Everyone, is there a anope service that has any quote option?

like !addquote, or something like that?

if not, perhaps a gopd future idea  8)

nope. that would eat up the db for sure.
and besides.. you dont need a services for such.

check this one out:

Another one: (sorry, explanation are in french, but the script manages french and english).

A long long time before, I made a module for anope ( but cpp is not my language and redo the module for the new version of anope is a hard work for me...

Peharps one day, in a long time... :)


--- Quote from: CrazyCat on August 05, 2020, 11:54:52 AM ---Another one: (sorry, explanation are in french, but the script manages french and english).

A long long time before, I made a module for anope ( but cpp is not my language and redo the module for the new version of anope is a hard work for me...

Peharps one day, in a long time... :)

--- End quote ---

before anyone would ask questions about it:
- does that work with anope v2.* or like it says, it's made for v1.8 ?

Sorry, seems clear for me when I made my post: it doesn't work with anope v2.x (last update in december 2011...)


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