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[RESOLVED] fantasy commands !help, !cmdlist

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Is there a botserv bot in the channel?

I created a botserv "bot"  whith msg "BOT ADD pseudo user host real"
Then I assigned on channel, enabled fantasy and but no answer to cmd "!help".
But I have not a real bot started on my host. Do I have it ?

In fact, it seems work.
The "!cmdlist" and "!help" command does not work but "!op" and "!kick" and "!voice" work.
My last problem is that it works only if I already have an oper status.
But the object of this feature is to get oper status when I have not.
Do you know what is condition to use "!op" command or how change configuration ?

Jan Milants:
!cmdlist and !help are commands provided by the module bs_fantasy_ext, they are not part of the anope core.. you 'll have to install that module if you want more fantasy commands then those provided by the core.
And if you are on the channel's access list and identified to your nick, your should get access to the command, regardless of you mode in the channel.. you must have identified with nickserv though..

Thanks Jan for your answer.
I am identified by nickserv.
It is exact the mode is not right.
Do you know how set mode for a specific user ? I tested :
/msg Chanserv access #test add mylogin 5
But, I get answer : You can't use this command. Use the AOP, SOP, HOP and VOP commands instead.
Also, I installed fantasy_ext. I have the "" in modules folder. Do you know how check if it is really started ?
Thanks for your help


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