Anope Support > 1.8.x/1.7.x Support (Read Only)

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I know, "do not use raw command" and "we not support raw"...,


On my other ircd, I used this command to join other bots to the "main" channels (services on #services, robots available on #bot, ...)

However, after a new installation, and having activated the os_raw (and not working) I was wondering if there was not an equivalent.

And if not, how to make OperServ learn the raw? (which is read in the OperCore, and which is active by the removal of DisabledRaw)

Needless to say "no support for raw", I just want to activate it, not complain that it does not work anymore because I did a stupid thing with it. I take full responsibility! \ O /

Thanks & Regards ;)


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