Thank you very much for the feedback
After doing the changes,when i try load denora, it doesnt even show in unrealircd as an irc operator saying if its sync or not.
When i load magirc it shows the server offline but always 2 users i suspect they are Hal9000 & drstein
I tired running denora with nofork -debug -protocoldebug -sql
Not sure if you can make any sense of this log
[Sep 23 12:27:18.982000 2013] status:
[Sep 23 12:27:18.982000 2013] trying to load [ss_help]
[Sep 23 12:27:18.982000 2013] Runtime module location: C:\Program Files (x86)\De
[Sep 23 12:27:18.982000 2013] Module ss_help compiled against current or newer D
enora revision 411, this is 411
[Sep 23 12:27:18.982000 2013] debug: Displaying command list for HELP
[Sep 23 12:27:18.982000 2013] 1: 01F29148
[Sep 23 12:27:18.982000 2013] debug: end
[Sep 23 12:27:18.982000 2013] status:
[Sep 23 12:27:18.982000 2013] trying to load [ss_html]
[Sep 23 12:27:18.982000 2013] Runtime module location: C:\Program Files (x86)\De
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] Module ss_html compiled against current or newer D
enora revision 411, this is 411
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: Displaying command list for HTML
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] 1: 01F29198
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: end
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] status:
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] trying to load [ss_login]
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] Runtime module location: C:\Program Files (x86)\De
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] Module ss_login compiled against current or newer
Denora revision 411, this is 411
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: Displaying command list for LOGIN
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] 1: 01F28E78
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: end
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: Displaying command list for LOGOUT
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] 1: 01F28DD8
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: end
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] status:
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] trying to load [ss_modules]
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] Runtime module location: C:\Program Files (x86)\De
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] Module ss_modules compiled against current or newe
r Denora revision 411, this is 411
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: Displaying command list for MODLOAD
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] 1: 01F28EC8
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: end
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: Displaying command list for MODUNLOAD
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] 1: 01F28F18
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: end
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: Displaying command list for MODLIST
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] 1: 01F28F68
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: end
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: Displaying command list for MODINFO
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] 1: 01F28FB8
[Sep 23 12:27:18.997000 2013] debug: end
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] status:
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] trying to load [ss_set]
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] Runtime module location: C:\Program Files (x86)\De
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] Module ss_set compiled against current or newer De
nora revision 411, this is 411
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] debug: Displaying command list for SET
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] 1: 01F28798
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] debug: end
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] status:
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] trying to load [ss_status]
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] Runtime module location: C:\Program Files (x86)\De
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] Module ss_status compiled against current or newer
Denora revision 411, this is 411
[Sep 23 12:27:19.013000 2013] debug: Displaying command list for STATUS
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] 1: 01F289C8
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] debug: end
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] status:
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] trying to load [ss_userdebug]
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] Runtime module location: C:\Program Files (x86)\De
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] Module ss_userdebug compiled against current or ne
wer Denora revision 411, this is 411
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] debug: Displaying command list for USERDEBUG
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] 1: 01F288D8
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] debug: end
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] status:
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] trying to load [xmlrpc_channeldata]
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] Runtime module location: C:\Program Files (x86)\De
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] Module xmlrpc_channeldata compiled against current
or newer Denora revision 411, this is 411
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] xmlrpc_channeldata requested unload...
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] status: [6][Module Error, Error during load time o
r module returned MOD_STOP]
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] trying to load [xmlrpc_channelslist]
[Sep 23 12:27:19.028000 2013] Runtime module location: C:\Program Files (x86)\De
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] Module xmlrpc_channelslist compiled against curren
t or newer Denora revision 411, this is 411
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] xmlrpc_channelslist requested unload...
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] status: [6][Module Error, Error during load time o
r module returned MOD_STOP]
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] trying to load [xmlrpc_get]
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] Runtime module location: C:\Program Files (x86)\De
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] Module xmlrpc_get compiled against current or newe
r Denora revision 411, this is 411
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] xmlrpc_get requested unload...
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] status: [6][Module Error, Error during load time o
r module returned MOD_STOP]
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] Connected to Server (
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] debug: Server introduced (
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] sql debug: SELECT servid FROM server WHERE server=
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] sql debug: SELECT servid FROM server WHERE server=
[Sep 23 12:27:19.060000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE server SET server='
.au', hops='0', comment='Statistics for example IRC Networks', connecttime=NOW(), li
nkedto=1, online='Y', maxusers=0, maxusertime=1379903239, lastsplit=FROM_UNIXTIM
E(0) WHERE servid=0
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: SELECT servid FROM server WHERE server=
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE server SET uptime=2, version='De
nora-' WHERE servid=1
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE server SET motd='\n\r _____
__\n\r| _ \\ __ __/ \\\n\r| | \\ | / \\__
/ \\___\n\r| | | | ___/ _ __ \\_/_ _ __ __\\_\n\r| | | / _ \\| \'_ \\/
_ \\| \'__|/ _ |\n\r| |_/ | __/| | | |_| | | \' (_| |\n\r|_____/ \\___||_|
|_\\___/|_| \\__,_|_\n\r\n\r Statistics for IRC Networks\n\r\n\rFor
all your Denora needs please visit our website\n\r\n\
r\n\rFor more detailed information on the features of Denora please\n\rread the
self-named documentation found on the \'docs\' directory.' WHERE server='stats.t'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE current SET val=1, time=13799032
39 WHERE type='servers'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE maxvalues SET val=1, time=FROM_U
NIXTIME(1379903239) WHERE type='servers'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] debug: Sent: PROTOCTL NICKv2 VHP UMODE2 NICKIP SJ
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] debug: Sent: PASS :secert
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] debug: Sent: SERVER 1 :U0-*-2 Sta
tistics for example IRC Networks
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] debug: Sent: NICK StatServ 1 1379903239 stats example. 0 +ioS :Stats Server
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] debug: resolved to
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE current SET val=1, time=13799032
39 WHERE type='users'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE current SET val=1, time=13799032
39 WHERE type='daily_users'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE maxvalues SET val=1, time=FROM_U
NIXTIME(1379903239) WHERE type='users'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE server SET currentusers=1, maxus
ers=1, maxusertime=1379903239 WHERE server=''
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: SELECT country FROM tld WHERE country =
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: INSERT INTO tld (code, country, count,
overall) VALUES('??', 'Unknown', 1, 1)
[Sep 23 12:27:19.075000 2013] sql debug: SELECT nickid FROM user WHERE nick='Sta
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE user SET nick='StatServ', hopcou
nt=1, nickip='', countrycode='??', country='Unknown', realname='Stat
s Server', hostname='', hiddenhostname="", username='stats',
swhois='', account='', connecttime=FROM_UNIXTIME(1379903239), servid=1, server=
'', lastquit=NULL, online='Y', away='N', awaymsg='' WHERE nickid
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE user SET mode_lq='N', mode_lw='N
', mode_lr='N', mode_lt='N', mode_lz='N', mode_li='N', mode_lo='N', mode_lp='N',
mode_la='N', mode_ls='N', mode_ld='N', mode_lg='N', mode_lh='N', mode_lx='N', m
ode_lv='N', mode_uw='N', mode_ur='N', mode_ut='N', mode_uo='N', mode_ua='N', mod
e_us='N', mode_ug='N', mode_uh='N', mode_uc='N', mode_uv='N', mode_ub='N', mode_
un='N' WHERE nickid=1
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: SELECT nickid FROM user WHERE nick='Sta
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE user SET mode_li='Y', mode_lo='Y
', mode_us='Y' WHERE nickid=1
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] debug: Changing mode for StatServ to +ioS
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE server SET opers=1, maxopers=1,
maxopertime=1379903239 WHERE server=''
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE current SET val=1, time=13799032
39 WHERE type='opers'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE maxvalues SET val=1, time=FROM_U
NIXTIME(1379903239) WHERE type='opers'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] debug: Sent: EOS
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE maxvalues SET val=0, time=FROM_U
NIXTIME(0) WHERE type='channels'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE maxvalues SET val=1, time=FROM_U
NIXTIME(1379903239) WHERE type='users'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE maxvalues SET val=1, time=FROM_U
NIXTIME(1379903239) WHERE type='servers'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE maxvalues SET val=1, time=FROM_U
NIXTIME(1379903239) WHERE type='opers'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: TRUNCATE TABLE admin
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: INSERT INTO admin (uname, passwd, level
, host, lang) VALUES ('DrStein', MD5('superpass'), 1, '*@*', 0)
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] sql debug: INSERT INTO admin (uname, passwd, level
, host, lang) VALUES ('Hal9000', MD5('lamepass'), 1, 'Hal9000@*', 0)
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] debug: Received: PROTOCTL NICKv2 VHP UMODE2 NICKIP
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] Source
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] av[0] = NICKv2
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] av[1] = VHP
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] av[2] = UMODE2
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] av[3] = NICKIP
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] av[4] = SJOIN
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] av[5] = SJOIN2
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] av[6] = SJ3
[Sep 23 12:27:19.091000 2013] av[7] = TKLEXT
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] av[8] = NOQUIT
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] av[9] = SJB64
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] av[10] = VL
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] av[11] = NS
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] debug: Received: PASS :secert
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] Source
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] av[0] = secert
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] debug: Received: SERVER 1 :U0-*-2
Statistics for example IRC Networks
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] Source
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] av[0] =
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] av[1] = 1
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] av[2] = U0-*-2 Statistics for example IRC Networks
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] debug: Server introduced (
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE server SET server='
.au', hops='1', comment='Statistics for example IRC Networks', connecttime=NOW(), li
nkedto=1, online='Y', maxusers=1, maxusertime=1379903239, lastsplit=FROM_UNIXTIM
E(0) WHERE servid=0
[Sep 23 12:27:19.107000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE server SET uptime=2, version='De
nora-' WHERE servid=1
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE server SET motd='\n\r _____
__\n\r| _ \\ __ __/ \\\n\r| | \\ | / \\__
/ \\___\n\r| | | | ___/ _ __ \\_/_ _ __ __\\_\n\r| | | / _ \\| \'_ \\/
_ \\| \'__|/ _ |\n\r| |_/ | __/| | | |_| | | \' (_| |\n\r|_____/ \\___||_|
|_\\___/|_| \\__,_|_\n\r\n\r Statistics for IRC Networks\n\r\n\rFor
all your Denora needs please visit our website\n\r\n\
r\n\rFor more detailed information on the features of Denora please\n\rread the
self-named documentation found on the \'docs\' directory.' WHERE server='stats.t'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE current SET val=2, time=13799032
39 WHERE type='servers'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE maxvalues SET val=2, time=FROM_U
NIXTIME(1379903239) WHERE type='servers'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] debug: Received: NICK StatServ 1 1379903239 stats 0 +ioS :Stats Server
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] Source
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] av[0] = StatServ
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] av[1] = 1
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] av[2] = 1379903239
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] av[3] = stats
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] av[4] =
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] av[5] =
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] av[6] = 0
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] av[7] = +ioS
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] av[8] =
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] av[9] = Stats Server
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] debug: resolved to
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE current SET val=2, time=13799032
39 WHERE type='users'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE current SET val=2, time=13799032
39 WHERE type='daily_users'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE maxvalues SET val=2, time=FROM_U
NIXTIME(1379903239) WHERE type='users'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE server SET currentusers=2, maxus
ers=2, maxusertime=1379903239 WHERE server=''
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: SELECT country FROM tld WHERE country =
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE tld SET count=2, overall=2 WHERE
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: SELECT nickid FROM user WHERE nick='Sta
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE user SET nick='StatServ', hopcou
nt=1, nickip='', countrycode='??', country='Unknown', realname='Stat
s Server', hostname='', hiddenhostname="", username='stats',
swhois='', account='', connecttime=FROM_UNIXTIME(1379903239), servid=1, server=
'', lastquit=NULL, online='Y', away='N', awaymsg='' WHERE nickid
[Sep 23 12:27:19.122000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE user SET mode_lq='N', mode_lw='N
', mode_lr='N', mode_lt='N', mode_lz='N', mode_li='N', mode_lo='N', mode_lp='N',
mode_la='N', mode_ls='N', mode_ld='N', mode_lg='N', mode_lh='N', mode_lx='N', m
ode_lv='N', mode_uw='N', mode_ur='N', mode_ut='N', mode_uo='N', mode_ua='N', mod
e_us='N', mode_ug='N', mode_uh='N', mode_uc='N', mode_uv='N', mode_ub='N', mode_
un='N' WHERE nickid=1
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] sql debug: SELECT nickid FROM user WHERE nick='Sta
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE user SET mode_li='Y', mode_lo='Y
', mode_us='Y' WHERE nickid=1
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] debug: Changing mode for StatServ to +ioS
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE server SET opers=2, maxopers=2,
maxopertime=1379903239 WHERE server=''
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE current SET val=2, time=13799032
39 WHERE type='opers'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE maxvalues SET val=2, time=FROM_U
NIXTIME(1379903239) WHERE type='opers'
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] debug: Received: EOS
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] Source
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] av[0] = NULL
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] Executing for cron_hourly
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] sql debug: SELECT id FROM serverstats WHERE day=23
and month=9 and year=2013
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE serverstats SET time_12=2 WHERE
day=23 and month=9 and year=2013
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] Executing for cron_hourly
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] sql debug: SELECT id FROM channelstats WHERE day=2
3 and month=9 and year=2013
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE channelstats SET time_12=0 WHERE
day=23 and month=9 and year=2013
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] Executing for cron_hourly
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] sql debug: SELECT id FROM stats WHERE day=23 and m
onth=9 and year=2013
[Sep 23 12:27:19.138000 2013] sql debug: UPDATE stats SET time_12=2 WHERE day=23
and month=9 and year=2013