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Author Topic: Human readable format request...  (Read 4888 times)

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Human readable format request...
« on: January 12, 2007, 10:46:41 PM »

I've just finished edit db-merger.c from ./src/tools/ to get human readable format of nickserv information...
if sombody interested in this, here is the code:

 *   IRC - Internet Relay Chat, nickserv-info.c
 *   (C) Copyright 2005, Florian Schulze (Certus)
 *   Based on the original code of Anope, (C) 2003 Anope Team
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (see it online
 *   at as published by the Free
 *   Software Foundation;
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   This program tries to represent nickserv standard anope-1.6.x+ database
 *   to human readable format...
 *   Edited my Maksimov V. Andrei

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>

#ifndef _WIN32
#include <unistd.h>
#include "sysconf.h"
#include <windows.h>

/* Some SUN fixs */
#ifdef __sun
/* Solaris specific code, types that do not exist in Solaris'
 * sys/types.h
#undef u_int8_t
#undef u_int16_t
#undef u_int32_t
#undef u_int_64_t
#define u_int8_t uint8_t
#define u_int16_t uint16_t
#define u_int32_t uint32_t
#define u_int64_t uint64_t

#define INADDR_NONE (-1)



#define NICK_DB_1      "nick1.db"


#ifndef _WIN32
#define C_LBLUE "\033[1;34m"
#define C_NONE "\033[m"
#define C_LBLUE ""
#define C_NONE ""

#define getc_db(f)      (fgetc((f)->fp))
#define HASH(nick)   ((tolower((nick)[0])&31)<<5 | (tolower((nick)[1])&31))
#define HASH2(chan)   ((chan)[1] ? ((chan)[1]&31)<<5 | ((chan)[2]&31) : 0)
#define read_buffer(buf,f)   (read_db((f),(buf),sizeof(buf)) == sizeof(buf))
#define write_buffer(buf,f)   (write_db((f),(buf),sizeof(buf)) == sizeof(buf))
#define read_db(f,buf,len)   (fread((buf),1,(len),(f)->fp))
#define write_db(f,buf,len)   (fwrite((buf),1,(len),(f)->fp))
#define read_int8(ret,f)   ((*(ret)=fgetc((f)->fp))==EOF ? -1 : 0)
#define write_int8(val,f)   (fputc((val),(f)->fp)==EOF ? -1 : 0)
#define SAFE(x) do { \
    if ((x) < 0) { \
   printf("Error, the database is broken, trying to continue... no guarantee.\n"); \
    } \
} while (0)
#define READ(x) do { \
    if ((x) < 0) { \
       printf("Error, the database is broken, trying to continue... no guarantee.\n"); \
        exit(0); \
    } \
} while (0)

typedef int16_t int16;
typedef u_int16_t uint16;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef u_int32_t uint32;
typedef struct memo_ Memo;
typedef struct dbFILE_ dbFILE;
typedef struct nickalias_ NickAlias;
typedef struct nickcore_ NickCore;
typedef struct chaninfo_ ChannelInfo;
typedef struct botinfo_ BotInfo;
typedef struct badword_ BadWord;
typedef struct hostcore_ HostCore;

struct memo_ {
    uint32 number;      /* Index number -- not necessarily array position! */
    uint16 flags;            /* Flags */
    time_t time;          /* When was it sent? */
    char sender[32];   /* Name of the sender */
    char *text;

struct dbFILE_ {
    int mode;                   /* 'r' for reading, 'w' for writing */
    FILE *fp;                    /* The normal file descriptor */
    char filename[1024];  /* Name of the database file */

typedef struct {
    int16 memocount;  /* Current # of memos */
    int16 memomax;    /* Max # of memos one can hold*/
    Memo *memos;     /* Pointer to original memos */
} MemoInfo;

typedef struct {
    uint16 in_use;         /* 1 if this entry is in use, else 0 */
    int16 level;
    NickCore *nc;       /* Guaranteed to be non-NULL if in use, NULL if not */
    time_t last_seen;
} ChanAccess;

typedef struct {
    int16 in_use;         /* Always 0 if not in use */
    int16 is_nick;         /* 1 if a regged nickname, 0 if a nick!user@host mask */
   uint16 flags;
    union {
      char *mask;      /* Guaranteed to be non-NULL if in use, NULL if not */
      NickCore *nc;   /* Same */
    } u;
    char *reason;
    char *creator;
    time_t addtime;
} AutoKick;

struct nickalias_ {
    NickAlias *next, *prev;
    char *nick;                    /* Nickname */
    char *last_quit;             /* Last quit message */
    char *last_realname;     /* Last realname */
    char *last_usermask;     /* Last usermask */
    time_t time_registered;  /* When the nick was registered */
    time_t last_seen;           /* When it was seen online for the last time */
    uint16 status;                  /* See NS_* below */
    NickCore *nc;               /* I'm an alias of this */

struct nickcore_ {
   NickCore *next, *prev;

    char *display;           /* How the nick is displayed */
    char *pass;               /* Password of the nicks */
    char *email;              /* E-mail associated to the nick */
    char *greet;              /* Greet associated to the nick */
    uint32 icq;                 /* ICQ # associated to the nick */
    char *url;                  /* URL associated to the nick */
    uint32 flags;                /* See NI_* below */
    uint16 language;        /* Language selected by nickname owner (LANG_*) */
    uint16 accesscount;     /* # of entries */
    char **access;          /* Array of strings */
    MemoInfo memos;     /* Memo information */
    uint16 channelcount;  /* Number of channels currently registered */
    uint16 channelmax;   /* Maximum number of channels allowed */
    int unused;                /* Used for nick collisions */
    int aliascount;            /* How many aliases link to us? Remove the core if 0 */

struct chaninfo_ {
    ChannelInfo *next, *prev;

    char name[64];                     /* Channel name */
    char *founder;                      /* Who registered the channel */
    char *successor;                   /* Who gets the channel if the founder nick is dropped or expires */
    char founderpass[32];            /* Channel password */
    char *desc;                           /* Description */
    char *url;                              /* URL */
    char *email;                          /* Email address */
    time_t time_registered;          /* When was it registered */
    time_t last_used;                   /* When was it used hte last time */
    char *last_topic;                       /* Last topic on the channel */
    char last_topic_setter[32];      /* Who set the last topic */
    time_t last_topic_time;           /* When the last topic was set */
    uint32 flags;                          /* Flags */
    char *forbidby;                      /* if forbidden: who did it */
    char *forbidreason;                /* if forbidden: why */
    int16 bantype;                       /* Bantype */
    int16 *levels;                        /* Access levels for commands */
    uint16 accesscount;                 /* # of pple with access */
    ChanAccess *access;             /* List of authorized users */
    uint16 akickcount;                    /* # of akicked pple */
    AutoKick *akick;                    /* List of users to kickban */
    uint32 mlock_on, mlock_off;   /* See channel modes below */
    uint32 mlock_limit;                /* 0 if no limit */
    char *mlock_key;                  /* NULL if no key */
    char *mlock_flood;                   /* NULL if no +f */
    char *mlock_redirect;            /* NULL if no +L */
    char *entry_message;           /* Notice sent on entering channel */
    MemoInfo memos;                 /* Memos */
    char *bi;                               /* Bot used on this channel */
    uint32 botflags;                      /* BS_* below */
    int16 *ttb;                             /* Times to ban for each kicker */
    uint16 bwcount;                       /* Badword count */
    BadWord *badwords;             /* For BADWORDS kicker */
    int16 capsmin, capspercent;    /* For CAPS kicker */
    int16 floodlines, floodsecs;      /* For FLOOD kicker */
    int16 repeattimes;                 /* For REPEAT kicker */

struct botinfo_ {
    BotInfo *next, *prev;
    char *nick;            /* Nickname of the bot */
    char *user;            /* Its user name */
    char *host;            /* Its hostname */
    char *real;            /* Its real name */
    int16 flags;            /* Bot flags */
    time_t created;      /* Birth date */
   int16 chancount;       /* Number of channels that use the bot. */

struct badword_ {
   uint16 in_use;
   char *word;
   uint16 type;   

struct hostcore_ {
    HostCore *next, *last;
    char *nick;        /* Owner of the vHost */
    char *vIdent;    /* vIdent for the user */
    char *vHost;     /* Vhost for this user */
    char *creator;   /* Oper Nick of the oper who set the vhost */
    time_t time;      /* Date/Time vHost was set */

dbFILE *open_db_write(const char *service, const char *filename, int version);
dbFILE *open_db_read(const char *service, const char *filename, int version);
NickCore *findcore(const char *nick, int version);
NickAlias *findnick(const char *nick);
BotInfo *findbot(char *nick);
ChannelInfo *cs_findchan(const char *chan);
char *strscpy(char *d, const char *s, size_t len);
int write_file_version(dbFILE * f, uint32 version);
int mystricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
int delnick(NickAlias *na, int donttouchthelist);
int write_string(const char *s, dbFILE * f);
int write_ptr(const void *ptr, dbFILE * f);
int read_int16(int16 * ret, dbFILE * f);
int read_int32(int32 * ret, dbFILE * f);
int read_uint16(uint16 * ret, dbFILE * f);
int read_uint32(uint32 * ret, dbFILE * f);
int read_string(char **ret, dbFILE * f);
int write_int16(uint16 val, dbFILE * f);
int write_int32(uint32 val, dbFILE * f);
int read_ptr(void **ret, dbFILE * f);
int delcore(NickCore *nc);
void alpha_insert_chan(ChannelInfo * ci);
void insert_bot(BotInfo * bi);
void close_db(dbFILE * f);

ChannelInfo *chanlists[256];
NickAlias *nalists[1024];
NickCore *nclists[1024];
BotInfo *botlists[256];

int preferfirst = 0, prefersecond = 0, preferoldest = 0, prefernewest = 0;
int nonick = 0, nochan = 0, nobot = 0, nohost = 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    dbFILE *f;
    int i;
    NickCore *nc, *ncnext;
    HostCore *firsthc = NULL;

    printf("\n"C_LBLUE"DB Merger v0.4 beta for Anope IRC Services by Certus"C_NONE"\n\n");

    if (argc >= 2) {
        if (!mystricmp(argv[1], "--PREFEROLDEST")) {
            printf("Preferring oldest database entries on collision.\n");
            preferoldest = 1;
        } else if (!mystricmp(argv[1], "--PREFERFIRST")) {
            printf("Preferring first database's entries on collision .\n");
            preferfirst = 1;
        } else if (!mystricmp(argv[1], "--PREFERSECOND")) {
            printf("Preferring second database's entries on collision.\n");
            prefersecond = 1;
        } else if (!mystricmp(argv[1], "--PREFERNEWEST")) {
            printf("Preferring newest database entries on collision.\n");
            prefernewest = 1;

    /* Section I: Nicks */
    /* Ia: First database */
    if ((f = open_db_read("NickServ", NICK_DB_1, 13))) {

        NickAlias *na, **nalast, *naprev;
        NickCore *nc, **nclast, *ncprev;
        int16 tmp16;
        int32 tmp32;
        int i, j, c;

        printf("Trying to merge nicks...\n");

        /* Nick cores */
        for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
            nclast = &nclists;
            ncprev = NULL;

            while ((c = getc_db(f)) == 1) {
                if (c != 1) {
                    printf("Invalid format in %s.\n", NICK_DB_1);

                nc = calloc(1, sizeof(NickCore));
                nc->aliascount = 0;
                nc->unused = 0;

                *nclast = nc;
                nclast = &nc->next;
                nc->prev = ncprev;
                ncprev = nc;

                READ(read_string(&nc->display, f));
      printf("Group: %s\n", nc->display);
                READ(read_string(&nc->pass, f));
      printf("Pass: %s\n", nc->pass);
                READ(read_string(&nc->email, f));
      printf("Email: %s\n", nc->email);
                READ(read_string(&nc->greet, f));
                READ(read_uint32(&nc->icq, f));
      if (nc->icq) {
         printf("Icq: %d\n", nc->icq);
                READ(read_string(&nc->url, f));
      if (nc->url) {
         printf("Url: %s\n", nc->url);
                READ(read_uint32(&nc->flags, f));
                READ(read_uint16(&nc->language, f));
                READ(read_uint16(&nc->accesscount, f));
                if (nc->accesscount) {
                    char **access;
                    access = calloc(sizeof(char *) * nc->accesscount, 1);
                    nc->access = access;
                    for (j = 0; j < nc->accesscount; j++, access++)
                        READ(read_string(access, f));
                READ(read_int16(&nc->memos.memocount, f));
      if (nc->memos.memocount) {
         printf("Memo.memocount: %d\n", nc->memos.memocount);
                READ(read_int16(&nc->memos.memomax, f));
                if (nc->memos.memocount) {
                    Memo *memos;
                    memos = calloc(sizeof(Memo) * nc->memos.memocount, 1);
                    nc->memos.memos = memos;
                    for (j = 0; j < nc->memos.memocount; j++, memos++) {
                        READ(read_uint32(&memos->number, f));
                        READ(read_uint16(&memos->flags, f));
                        READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f));
                        memos->time = tmp32;
                        READ(read_buffer(memos->sender, f));
                        READ(read_string(&memos->text, f));
                READ(read_uint16(&nc->channelcount, f));
                READ(read_int16(&tmp16, f));
            } /* getc_db() */
            *nclast = NULL;
        } /* for() loop */

        /* Nick aliases */
        for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
            char *s = NULL;

            nalast = &nalists;
            naprev = NULL;

            while ((c = getc_db(f)) == 1) {
                if (c != 1) {
                    printf("Invalid format in %s.\n", NICK_DB_1);

                na = calloc(1, sizeof(NickAlias));

                READ(read_string(&na->nick, f));
      if (na->nick) {
         printf("Nick: %s\n", na->nick);
                READ(read_string(&na->last_usermask, f));
      if (na->last_usermask) {
         printf("Last_usermask: %s\n", na->last_usermask);
                READ(read_string(&na->last_realname, f));
      if (na->last_realname) {
         printf("Last_realname: %s\n", na->last_realname);
                READ(read_string(&na->last_quit, f));
      if (na->last_quit) {
         printf("Last_quit: %s\n", na->last_quit);
                READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f));
                na->time_registered = tmp32;
      if (na->time_registered) {
         printf("Time registered: %s\n", ctime(&na->time_registered));
                READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f));
                na->last_seen = tmp32;
                READ(read_uint16(&na->status, f));
                READ(read_string(&s, f));
                na->nc = findcore(s, 0);

                *nalast = na;
                nalast = &na->next;
                na->prev = naprev;
                naprev = na;
            } /* getc_db() */
            *nalast = NULL;
        } /* for() loop */
        close_db(f); /* End of section Ia */
    } else
        nonick = 1;


    for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
        for (nc = nclists; nc; nc = ncnext) {
            ncnext = nc->next;
            if (nc->aliascount < 1) {
                printf("Deleting core %s (%s).\n", nc->display, nc->email);

    /* MERGING DONE \o/ HURRAY! */

    printf("\n\nReading is now done. I give NO guarantee for your DBs.\n");
   return 0;
} /* End of main() */

/* Open a database file for reading and check for the version */
dbFILE *open_db_read(const char *service, const char *filename, int version)
    dbFILE *f;
    FILE *fp;
    int myversion;

    f = calloc(sizeof(*f), 1);
    if (!f) {
        printf("Can't allocate memory for %s database %s.\n", service, filename);
    strscpy(f->filename, filename, sizeof(f->filename));
    f->mode = 'r';
    fp = fopen(f->filename, "rb");
    if (!fp) {
        printf("Can't read %s database %s.\n", service, f->filename);
        return NULL;
    f->fp = fp;
    myversion = fgetc(fp) << 24 | fgetc(fp) << 16 | fgetc(fp) << 8 | fgetc(fp);
    if (feof(fp)) {
        printf("Error reading version number on %s: End of file detected.\n", f->filename);
    } else if (myversion < version) {
        printf("Unsuported database version (%d) on %s.\n", myversion, f->filename);
    return f;

/* Open a database file for reading and check for the version */
dbFILE *open_db_write(const char *service, const char *filename, int version)
    dbFILE *f;
    int fd;

    f = calloc(sizeof(*f), 1);
    if (!f) {
        printf("Can't allocate memory for %s database %s.\n", service, filename);
    strscpy(f->filename, filename, sizeof(f->filename));
    filename = f->filename;
#ifndef _WIN32
    f->mode = 'w';
#ifndef _WIN32
    fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666);
    fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | _O_BINARY, 0666);
    f->fp = fdopen(fd, "wb");   /* will fail and return NULL if fd < 0 */
    if (!f->fp || !write_file_version(f, version)) {
        printf("Can't write to %s database %s.\n", service, filename);
        if (f->fp) {
#ifndef _WIN32
        return NULL;
    return f;

/* Close it */
void close_db(dbFILE * f)

int read_int16(int16 * ret, dbFILE * f)
    int c1, c2;

    c1 = fgetc(f->fp);
    c2 = fgetc(f->fp);
    if (c1 == EOF || c2 == EOF)
        return -1;
    *ret = c1 << 8 | c2;
    return 0;

int read_uint16(uint16 * ret, dbFILE * f)
    int c1, c2;

    c1 = fgetc(f->fp);
    c2 = fgetc(f->fp);
    if (c1 == EOF || c2 == EOF)
        return -1;
    *ret = c1 << 8 | c2;
    return 0;

int write_int16(uint16 val, dbFILE * f)
    if (fputc((val >> 8) & 0xFF, f->fp) == EOF
        || fputc(val & 0xFF, f->fp) == EOF)
        return -1;
    return 0;

int read_int32(int32 * ret, dbFILE * f)
    int c1, c2, c3, c4;

    c1 = fgetc(f->fp);
    c2 = fgetc(f->fp);
    c3 = fgetc(f->fp);
    c4 = fgetc(f->fp);
    if (c1 == EOF || c2 == EOF || c3 == EOF || c4 == EOF)
        return -1;
    *ret = c1 << 24 | c2 << 16 | c3 << 8 | c4;
    return 0;

int read_uint32(uint32 * ret, dbFILE * f)
    int c1, c2, c3, c4;

    c1 = fgetc(f->fp);
    c2 = fgetc(f->fp);
    c3 = fgetc(f->fp);
    c4 = fgetc(f->fp);
    if (c1 == EOF || c2 == EOF || c3 == EOF || c4 == EOF)
        return -1;
    *ret = c1 << 24 | c2 << 16 | c3 << 8 | c4;
    return 0;

int write_int32(uint32 val, dbFILE * f)
    if (fputc((val >> 24) & 0xFF, f->fp) == EOF)
        return -1;
    if (fputc((val >> 16) & 0xFF, f->fp) == EOF)
        return -1;
    if (fputc((val >> 8) & 0xFF, f->fp) == EOF)
        return -1;
    if (fputc((val) & 0xFF, f->fp) == EOF)
        return -1;
    return 0;

int read_ptr(void **ret, dbFILE * f)
    int c;

    c = fgetc(f->fp);
    if (c == EOF)
        return -1;
    *ret = (c ? (void *) 1 : (void *) 0);
    return 0;

int write_ptr(const void *ptr, dbFILE * f)
    if (fputc(ptr ? 1 : 0, f->fp) == EOF)
        return -1;
    return 0;

int read_string(char **ret, dbFILE * f)
    char *s;
    uint16 len;

    if (read_uint16(&len, f) < 0)
        return -1;
    if (len == 0) {
        *ret = NULL;
        return 0;
    s = calloc(len, 1);
    if (len != fread(s, 1, len, f->fp)) {
        return -1;
    *ret = s;
    return 0;

int write_string(const char *s, dbFILE * f)
    uint32 len;

    if (!s)
        return write_int16(0, f);
    len = strlen(s);
    if (len > 65534)
        len = 65534;
    if (write_int16((uint16) (len + 1), f) < 0)
        return -1;
    if (len > 0 && fwrite(s, 1, len, f->fp) != len)
        return -1;
    if (fputc(0, f->fp) == EOF)
        return -1;
    return 0;

NickCore *findcore(const char *nick, int unused)
    NickCore *nc;

    for (nc = nclists[HASH(nick)]; nc; nc = nc->next) {
        if (!mystricmp(nc->display, nick))
            if ((nc->unused && unused) || (!nc->unused && !unused))
                return nc;

    return NULL;

NickAlias *findnick(const char *nick)
    NickAlias *na;

    for (na = nalists[HASH(nick)]; na; na = na->next) {
        if (!mystricmp(na->nick, nick))
            return na;

    return NULL;

int write_file_version(dbFILE * f, uint32 version)
    FILE *fp = f->fp;
    if (fputc(version >> 24 & 0xFF, fp) < 0 ||
        fputc(version >> 16 & 0xFF, fp) < 0 ||
        fputc(version >> 8 & 0xFF, fp) < 0 ||
        fputc(version & 0xFF, fp) < 0) {
            printf("Error writing version number on %s.\n", f->filename);
    return 1;

/* strscpy:  Copy at most len-1 characters from a string to a buffer, and
 *           add a null terminator after the last character copied.

char *strscpy(char *d, const char *s, size_t len)
    char *d_orig = d;

    if (!len)
        return d;
    while (--len && (*d++ = *s++));
    *d = '\0';
    return d_orig;

int mystricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
    register int c;

    while ((c = tolower(*s1)) == tolower(*s2)) {
        if (c == 0)
            return 0;
    if (c < tolower(*s2))
        return -1;
    return 1;

int delnick(NickAlias *na, int donttouchthelist)
    if (!donttouchthelist) {
        /* Remove us from the aliases list */
        if (na->next)
            na->next->prev = na->prev;
        if (na->prev)
            na->prev->next = na->next;
            nalists[HASH(na->nick)] = na->next;

    /* free() us */
    if (na->last_usermask)
    if (na->last_realname)
    if (na->last_quit)
    return 1;

int delcore(NickCore *nc)
    int i;
    /* Remove the core from the list */
    if (nc->next)
        nc->next->prev = nc->prev;
    if (nc->prev)
        nc->prev->next = nc->next;
        nclists[HASH(nc->display)] = nc->next;

    if (nc->pass)
    if (nc->email)
    if (nc->greet)
    if (nc->url)
    if (nc->access) {
        for (i = 0; i < nc->accesscount; i++) {
            if (nc->access)
    if (nc->memos.memos) {
        for (i = 0; i < nc->memos.memocount; i++) {
            if (nc->memos.memos.text)
    return 1;

void insert_bot(BotInfo * bi)
    BotInfo *ptr, *prev;

    for (prev = NULL, ptr = botlists[tolower(*bi->nick)];
         ptr != NULL && mystricmp(ptr->nick, bi->nick) < 0;
         prev = ptr, ptr = ptr->next);
    bi->prev = prev;
    bi->next = ptr;
    if (!prev)
        botlists[tolower(*bi->nick)] = bi;
        prev->next = bi;
    if (ptr)
        ptr->prev = bi;

BotInfo *findbot(char *nick)
    BotInfo *bi;

    for (bi = botlists[tolower(*nick)]; bi; bi = bi->next)
        if (!mystricmp(nick, bi->nick))
            return bi;

    return NULL;

ChannelInfo *cs_findchan(const char *chan)
    ChannelInfo *ci;
    for (ci = chanlists[tolower(chan[1])]; ci; ci = ci->next) {
        if (!mystricmp(ci->name, chan))
            return ci;
    return NULL;

void alpha_insert_chan(ChannelInfo * ci)
    ChannelInfo *ptr, *prev;
    char *chan = ci->name;

    for (prev = NULL, ptr = chanlists[tolower(chan[1])];
         ptr != NULL && mystricmp(ptr->name, chan) < 0;
         prev = ptr, ptr = ptr->next);
    ci->prev = prev;
    ci->next = ptr;
    if (!prev)
        chanlists[tolower(chan[1])] = ci;
        prev->next = ci;
    if (ptr)
        ptr->prev = ci;

no special commands to compile, just only " gcc -o merger nickserv-info.c "
so, get the stdout and fined what you need...

Next version will be with mysql support....
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