Anope Support > 1.6.x (Read Only)

Nick sets mode: -ahoq Nick Nick Nick

<< < (3/3)

Hm... Then just check is IRC-COP bot identified to services.

Or do u have some module installed that screws all thing

Or it is really bug, so try 1.7.* branch.

DBases are same, just make new conf via example.conf file

the most common cause is a TS desync, either the channel is out of sync on 1 or more servers or your servers have in correct timestamps.

I've ran across this problem as well. I installed NeoStats, and when one of the bots from stats joins, chanserv (or in this case an anope bot with symbiosis) immediately -ahoq's him after he ops himself. I can go in and op him back and the services don't take that away. Is there a way to fix this TS error? I was thinking of finding a few TS servers and using the Unreal sync option in the .conf file. Any suggestions?

EDIT: stats is ulined btw

If that is all problem, use /msg ChanServ set #channel secureops off
In that case, Anope is correct, and without error


--- Quote from: Kanegasi on September 08, 2008, 01:33:11 AM ---I've ran across this problem as well. I installed NeoStats, and when one of the bots from stats joins, chanserv (or in this case an anope bot with symbiosis) immediately -ahoq's him after he ops himself. I can go in and op him back and the services don't take that away. Is there a way to fix this TS error? I was thinking of finding a few TS servers and using the Unreal sync option in the .conf file. Any suggestions?

EDIT: stats is ulined btw

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