Hi. I got bored and starting poking around other IRC Services after years of using Anope, and I've noticed things that are to be desired in Anope. Below is a short list that would keep developers busy for quite a while if they decide to implement all features.
As politely as possible, just because you was bored doesn't mean the developers are. They are already plenty busy before even considering user suggestions.
- Some sort of StatServ/Statistics
No. This has been suggested 345645765675 times already (perhaps instead of making a list with your boredom you could have search the forum already ;P)
- "Identify As" - Identify to other nicknames without being on it. (/ns id [nick] <password>)
Planned for 1.9
Planned for 1.9
- Use of NickServ as AuthServ (No nick ownership)
The entire purpose for
NickServ *IS* ownership .. period. If you don't like nick ownership, then you are using the wrong services package .. sorry.
- The ability to disable or reimplement any pseudo-client
HelpServ - required. but there is a trouble ticket system module that makes it more useful.
BotServ - optional. Also if you don't want to use it, don't create any bots .. that simple.
HostServ - optional.
MemoServ - required. Along the same lines as nick ownership. When these types of services was invented, the ability to send memos to offline users was called a "feature" and a "convenience". Again if you don't like this ability, you have the wrong services package.
- Parts of BotServ can be implemented through ChanServ, left as a separate client, or disabled all-together.
ChanServ isn't supposed to be in any channels to start with, again that is part of the fundamental design of this type of services package. BotServ was added for those that continually whined about not being able to have ChanServ in their channels. Again, BotServ is optional as is it's features.
- HostServ can be implemented through NickServ, left as a separate client, or disabled all-together.
I agree, HostServ can be.
- MemoServ can be implemented... you get the pattern.
I agree, it can be.
In closing, If having the total of 5 bots on your network is that much of a worry, you obviously have very few users. Once you get more than 20 real users, you can't even tell how many bots you have. That's spoken from experience. I would like to say that Anope is not for everyone. NickServ/ChanServ style services are just one type out there. If you don't like nick ownership or having seperate bots for seperate functions. Then you have the wrong package. NickServ/ChanServ as well as the ideal of nick ownership was invented by DALnet in 1994 and their software made them the largest network peaking at about 140,000 users before the year 2000. That's from a few hundred users to 140,000 in 6 short years, they obviously did something right. DALnet has 6 bots to our 7. Root/Oper/Nick/Chan/Memo/HelpServ. Also this type of services is the most popular in the world with very few fundamental complaints. So I'd have to say that there is nothing wrong with how things are set up as-is.
I'll also refer you to
X3 Services which already do all of what you just asked.
As with all these can do this or can do that suggestions, Anope is supposed to be simple yet powerful. Not overly complex. Most users don't like to spend all their time tweaking and configuring software, they just want to chat. when it comes to services, the old saying of "less is more" is very true. having 3 different configuration options for each bot is .. well .. just plain confusing.
Good Luck.