Anope Development > Modules

No "OnJoinUser" available for modules ?


Hi there,
I'm working on a little module and want to hook when a user joins a channel, but looking at channels.cpp, there is no equivalent to OnLeaveChannel (for quit and part).
Do I search in wrong way or is this really missing ?



--- Quote from: Sadie on September 20, 2023, 08:39:55 PM ---

--- End quote ---

I was searching the wrong way :)
Thx Sadie !

Well, I've a weird bug.
In my module, I do:

--- Code: ---   void OnJoinChannel(User *u, Channel *c) anope_override
      if (!c->ci)
      query = "INSERT INTO `" + prefix + "chanlog` (chan, nick, type) VALUES (@chan@, @nick@, 'JOIN');";
      query.SetValue("chan", c->name);
      query.SetValue("nick", GetDisplay(u));
   void OnPartChannel(User *u, Channel *c, Anope::string &channel, Anope::string &msg) anope_override
      if (!c->ci)
      query = "INSERT INTO `" + prefix + "chanlog` (chan, nick, type, content) VALUES (@chan@, @nick@, 'PART', @content@);";
      query.SetValue("chan", c->name);
      query.SetValue("nick", GetDisplay(u));
      query.SetValue("content", msg);
--- End code ---
The OnJoinChannel works well but the OnPartChannel does nothing, as if it was not called.
No compilation error, no sql error, sounds weird.

I also did a function to log pub and action which works well... Can't understand what the trouble is


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