Ok I dunno how many of you run php sites with member systems etc.
With anope1.9 having mysql functionality (beside the problem i mentioned in support for 1.9) it's made my idea more possible.
I am going ahead with this anyway I just wondered what people thought,
I am going to make a website for my network. Ok fine thats normal.
It will have a member section which includes:
- Shoutbox
- Forum
- Shop of some sort [using fake money earned somehow]
- Shop [using real cash]
- Private Message System
- Profile
The Login for the members section will be a members "Group Display" name from anope and their anope password. This is easy since the info is saved in anope_ns_core
Is there a repercussion if I was to say, add on rows to the table anope_ns_core for like FirstName, LastName, DOB etc that users could edit in their online profile?
Ok now the only other bit I would have trouble with on this, private messaging.
I have wrote a PM system before for just a website. I know when anope receives a memo it writes it to the anope_ms_core table. As long as I don't do /os sqlsync this would work fine but doing /os sqlsync seems to clear this table. Also I can't seem to notice how anope distinguishes is a "memo" has been read of not. By this feature it would allow a user to read memo's off the IRC server and (maybe) send them as well?
Just a thought on this if you will.