Its time to let some of the ircds die out.
DreamForge was the early Unreal code base, which last I tried to compile DreamForge it failed with modern compilers
PTlink is dead. the dev kind of killed it about two years ago now, granted still some using it but time to move it to the list of unsupported
UltimateIRCd 2 should be removed, v3 has been out nearly 2 years now.
Unreal 3.1 is ready to die, I wrote the split that gave it 3.2 support, and since all the fancy options to be more like 3.2 are in the config file, there is no need for both any more
ViagraIRCD in short Chris killed the project, was a good one, but now is not worth looking at
In the end, Unreal 3.2, Inspircd, should win out here. Hybrid ircd such as Hybrid, Ratbox, etc.. should just be merged and config options to enable the differences.