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Editor / IDE... What's your choice

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Jan Milants:
for anope I use Notepad++ though I use Eclipse for a number of other projects..

Ok guys, so no particular editor, just some personnal preferences :)
I'll keep using nano :D

Most of the editors listed have snytax hilighting, which nano doens't do by default. There is a way to do and I'm sure if you google it, you'll find it ;)

NotePad++ was my editor of choice when I used Windows and most of the modules I have on the site were written in or at least edited a time or two in NotePad++. MS vc201x seems to take forever to start. I can pull up the file, edit minor things, save and close a file in NotePad++ faster than MS's IDE loads.  :o

Naram Qashat:
I use SciTE for editing most of the time and then just compile from the command line (and sometimes inside of SciTE itself), although I use Visual Studio at work, but that's more because of being tied down to that.  And I'll admit to Visual Studio to not being bad, but it could use some improvements still.

Jens Voss:
I like the Midnight Commanders built-in editor "mcedit" (cooledit).
It supports utf8, syntax highlighting, macros, ispell, auto intending and much more . :-)



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