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Editor / IDE... What's your choice

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--- Quote from: katsklaw on March 06, 2012, 02:04:35 AM ---Most of the editors listed have snytax hilighting, which nano doens't do by default. There is a way to do and I'm sure if you google it, you'll find it ;)
--- End quote ---
Done a long time before :) Nano is my default editor for small corrections in tcl, php, html, perl or C :)

Bluefish Editor found at is a very very decent multi-platform editor for operating systems..
Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS-X, Windows, OpenBSD and Solaris.

I have trialled it of late and prefer it to Notepad++ greatly. and like Notepad++ .. its free :)

Justin Crawford:
I use KDE's Kate on linux and Sublime on windows, in the terminal I mainly use nano for quick, small edits or maybe vim if it's bigger than what I want to do in nano.

Honestly Eclipse for almost everything that I can, and then Microsoft Visual Studio for the rest of the things that won't work nicely on Eclipse.

Thomas Edwards:
Im with Jan on this one.
I code in PHP nonstop hours on end every day and I used Notepad++ along with its FTP Feature.
If you're on Windows and intend to test code on a Linux machine you can easily use the FTP Plugin on N++ to edit files and have them push to the server then use PuTTy to compile the code. EASY PEASY!

Otherwise I'd use Eclipse or Intellij. Depends on your preference.

Thomas Edwards


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