With the release of InspIRCd 1.2.0 I think the time is right to release version 1.0 of my protocol module. I now consider the module to be stable and suitable for use on any production network.
I dare even say this module is more flexible then the one that ships with Anope-1.9
though more exotic setups are much less tested and may still be prone to a few bugs. The module *should* detect the presence of InspIRCd modules such as m_chanprotect or the disabling of halfop, but this is still largely untested.
This release fixes a minor bug in SVSNICK and in the BURST syntax.
http://vips.hopto.org/~viper/inspircd12-1.0.zipMight I suggest adding usermode +k to each of the pseudo clients....
I looked into this, but I can't do this (without making the module a requirement) for the version I release for Anope without more changes to the core. The module can be easily edited to include the +k user mode though for those that wish to use it.
I do have a slightly improved version of the InspIRCd protocol module which dynamically detects m_servprotect and adds the +k usermode, however it requires you run a more modified version of Anope. If you want to try it, you can find my modified version of anope, incl the protocol module and core changes in my git repository's master:
http://vips.hopto.org/git/?p=anope/.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/masterNote though that it does include other patches, such as the -1 access level for unregged users, and more (ex nefarious support) may be added later on depending on my needs...
If you just want the changes required to anope and the "regular" protocol module look