[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** LocOps -- ERROR :from services.iwentertainment.com[] -- Closing Link: [] (Link denied (No matching link configuration))
[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** Notice -- Connection to services.iwentertainment.com[] activated.
[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** LocOps -- Server services.iwentertainment.com[] closed the connection
[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** LocOps -- Link denied for irc.iwentertainment.com(
unknown@ (No link block named 'irc.iwentertainment.com') [@]
[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** LocOps -- Link denied for irc.iwentertainment.com(
unknown@ (No link block named 'irc.iwentertainment.com') [@]
[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** Notice -- Connection to services.iwentertainment.com[] activated.
[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** LocOps -- ERROR :from services.iwentertainment.com[] -- Link denied (No matching link configuration) [@]
[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** LocOps -- ERROR :from services.iwentertainment.com[] -- Closing Link: [] (Link denied (No matching link configuration))
[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** LocOps -- Server services.iwentertainment.com[] closed the connection
[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** LocOps -- ERROR :from services.iwentertainment.com[] -- Link denied (No matching link configuration) [@]
[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** LocOps -- ERROR :from services.iwentertainment.com[] -- Closing Link: [] (Link denied (No matching link configuration))
[07:14pm] -irc.iwentertainment.com- *** Notice -- Connection to services.iwentertainment.com[] activated.
[07:14pm] * Disconnected
[07:14pm] * Connect retry #1 irc.iwentertainment.com (6667)
How come it kills my server when I oper up, also services doesn't seem to work fully?
I've pastebinned my unrealircd.conf config and my services.conf
UnrealIRCD.conf =
http://pastebin.ca/1022279Services.conf =