I have inherited an IRC server running Anope 2.0.7 with Inspircd 2.0.27. This is a very busy server and uptime is imperative. Also, I am very much a noob to IRC servers so the last 6 months has been a deep dive for me.
I need some help in getting our server to store it's data in MYSQL.
The first thing I noted is that m_mysql was not configured and loaded, this has been corrected, note that there was some data in some tables already prior to enabling this module.
The db_sql_live module is loaded and some tables have data whilst others do not. For example anope_db_BadWord is populated with data but anope_db_Memo is empty as is anope_db_XLine.
What is the correct procedure to get the mysql database initially loaded and then used from that point on. I have read up on using the import tag in conjunction with db_sql, is it as simple as restarting Anope with the db_sql and import tag=true to reload the mysql database and then changing to db_sql_live and import = false.
Is an /os update & /os reload all that is required or do I need a service restart.
I am not sure how the data got into this state, it's almost like someone previously has attempted this and reverted the settings. There were some side effects to enabling db_mysql, a few operators mentioned that their greet had reverted to an older version.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.