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Author Topic: Anope 2.0.5 - ChanServ invite  (Read 5779 times)

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Anope 2.0.5 - ChanServ invite
« on: March 02, 2017, 12:21:09 AM »

( Sorry for my english )

Hello everybody,

I have in production anope 1.8, i try a new installation in 2.0.5

I want users in my access list at level 3 (voice) to use the command:
Code: [Select]
msg chanserv invite #channel

Under anope 1.8 for set right to this command a user levels 3

Code: [Select]
msg chanserv LEVELS #channel set INVITE 3

and add register user to channel :
Code: [Select]
msg chanserv access #channel add <user> 3
And work it.

Now under 2.0.5 ....
I have a problem with the same procedure  :-\
Code: [Select]
Access denied

In my chanserv.conf  i have changed "level = 5" to 3

Code: [Select]
name = "INVITE"
rank = 190
level = 5
flag = "i"
xop = "AOP"

i have type

Code: [Select]
msg chanserv LEVELS #channel set INVITE 2
msg chanserv access #channel add <user> 3

msg chanserv info #channel :

Code: [Select]
Options: Private, Peace, Restricted access, Security, Secure founder, Secure ops, Persistent, Keep modes, Topic retention, Topic lock, Chanstats
Access denied.

Same if i change the acess user 3 to 5.

Any idea?

Tks for support!


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Re: Anope 2.0.5 - ChanServ invite
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2017, 12:51:03 AM »

This seems okay to  me.


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Re: Anope 2.0.5 - ChanServ invite
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2017, 11:33:10 AM »

what is your configuration ?


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Re: Anope 2.0.5 - ChanServ invite
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2019, 05:29:50 PM »

Maybe the problem comes from a channel mode +CHKNOPfimnstz ?


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Re: Anope 2.0.5 - ChanServ invite
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2019, 05:35:22 PM »

Just doing:

Code: [Select]
/msg chanserv LEVELS #channel set INVITE 3
/msg chanserv access #channel add <user> 3

is enough for this to work. You don't need to change the default level for the privilege in the configuration.


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Re: Anope 2.0.5 - ChanServ invite
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2019, 05:48:04 PM »

Code: [Select]
[28/09-18:40] <ChanServ> Le niveau pour INVITE du channel #Dev est maintenant de 3.
[28/09-18:40] <ChanServ> Khernl ajouté à la liste d'accès de #Dev avec le niveau 3.

invite with Khernl
<ChanServ> Accès refusé.

msg operserv config view
Code: [Select]
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       accessmax                  1024
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       always_lower_ts            false
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       client                     ChanServ
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       defaults                   keeptopic peace cs_privaterestricted secureops securefounder topiclock cs_keep_modes persist cs_secure securefounder signkick
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       disallow_channel_access    false
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       disallow_hostmask_access   false
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       expire                     14d
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       inhabit                    1s
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       name                       chanserv
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       opersonly                  yes
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       reasonmax                  200
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       require                    NrzZsPKnCHf 50:1440 [1r#d]:999
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> chanserv       signkickformat             %m (%n)
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_akick       autokickmax                32
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_akick       autokickreason             User has been banned from the channel
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_akick       name                       cs_akick
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_entrymsg    maxentries                 10
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_entrymsg    name                       cs_entrymsg
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_list        listmax                    50
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_list        name                       cs_list
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_mode        max                        32
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_mode        mlock                      -tNrzZsPKnCHfimu 50:1440 [1r#d]:999
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_mode        name                       cs_mode
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_seen        name                       cs_seen
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_seen        purgetime                  30d
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_seen        simple                     false
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_set         defbantype                 2
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_set         name                       cs_set
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_set         persist_lower_ts           true
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_suspend     expire                     90d
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_suspend     name                       cs_suspend
[28/09-18:44] <OperServ> cs_suspend     show                       suspended, by, reason, on, expires

msg chanserv LEVELS #dev list

Code: [Select]
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> Configuration des niveaux d'accès du canal #Dev :
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> Nom            Niveau
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> ACCESS_CHANGE  10
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> ACCESS_LIST    3
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> NOKICK         3
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> FANTASIA       3
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> GREET          1
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> AUTOVOICE      3
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> VOICEME        3
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> VOICE          4
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> INFO           9999
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> SAY            5
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> AUTOHALFOP     4
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> HALFOPME       4
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> HALFOP         5
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> KICK           10
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> SIGNKICK       9999
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> BAN            10
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> TOPIC          10
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> MODE           9999
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> GETKEY         5
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> INVITE         3
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> UNBAN          10
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> AUTOOP         5
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> OPME           5
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> OP             5
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> AUTOPROTECT    10
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> AKICK          10
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> BADWORDS       10
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> ASSIGN         (fondateur seulement)
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> MEMO           10
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> PROTECTME      10
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> PROTECT        9999
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> SET            9999
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> AUTOOWNER      9999
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> OWNERME        9999
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> OWNER          (fondateur seulement)
[28/09-18:45] <ChanServ> FOUNDER        10000

msg chanserv access #dev view

[28/09-18:46] <ChanServ> Liste d'accès de #Dev :
[28/09-18:46] <ChanServ> Numéro  Niveau  Masque    Par      Dernière connexion
[28/09-18:46] <ChanServ> 1        3       Khernl    MalaGaM  Never
[28/09-18:46] <ChanServ> Fin de la liste d'accès.


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Re: Anope 2.0.5 - ChanServ invite
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2019, 03:30:24 PM »

Even if Khernl does a logout and re-identify ?
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