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is2an: IRC Services conversion tool

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adi safuan:
where is this is2an tools ? sorry i dont know where it is ..

Charles Kingsley:

I have restored the missing attachment on the server, you should be able to click the link in the first post to download the file now.

I will go ahead and restore the other missing attachments from other threads too.

Trystan Scott Lee:
I took a few minutes and fixed up the old code, it compiles on ArchLinux i686 GNU/Linux, will test on BSD later

git clone i686

run ./configure then make

Going to take a long shot here and see if anyone might still have this tool. Currently using IRC Services and really want to move over to Anope. Links not working in this thread and can't find anything anywhere to convert over. Fingers crossed someone out there can humor me and help out.

Hello, in here you can find it bsd and linux support both.


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