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Anope Development => Modules => Topic started by: Keikiraa on June 28, 2012, 09:35:08 PM

Title: Hide new joins/parts
Post by: Keikiraa on June 28, 2012, 09:35:08 PM

I need a mod who don't show the joins and parts of the users on a channel. I know that the +u mode (auditorium) do that but it also hide userlist and it's not what I want. So, is this possible ?

Title: Re: Hide new joins/parts
Post by: LEthaLity on June 28, 2012, 09:43:21 PM
Anope can't do this, check modules pages for your IRCd. Although I don't think you'll find one, as a client needs to see joins and parts to update the userlist.
Title: Re: Hide new joins/parts
Post by: Jan Milants on June 28, 2012, 09:45:06 PM
No this is not possible for several reasons...
- first, this has nothing to do with anope.. showing joins/parts or the user list is all done by the ircd anope has no control over anything that happens between the ircd and the server

- secondly, even for doing this ircd side, it is technically impossible to show the user list, but hide joins and parts on the ircd side.. if the ircd does not send join and part information to the client the client will not be able to update the user list of the channel.. so you cannot have clients show a user list without sending them updates for that list in the form of joins or parts.
It is an all or nothing thing.

the option of hiding certain things like joins and parts can only be set in the clients, not on the server side...
Title: Re: Hide new joins/parts
Post by: Keikiraa on June 28, 2012, 09:48:53 PM
So the only solution is to put the +u mode ? :/
Title: Re: Hide new joins/parts
Post by: Jobe on June 29, 2012, 02:50:27 PM
The alternative is to configure your client not to show joins/parts.
Title: Re: Hide new joins/parts
Post by: Zack on June 29, 2012, 02:57:15 PM
Agreed that this isn't an Anope thing.

However, I just wanna get this idea off my mind.. technically it could be made possible at the ircd level I think. Instead of showing joins/parts, the ircd could force a line 353 to be resent to the client, forcing an update to the client's userlist, but not display joins/parts.

Although, I do believe inspircd has a module that blocks joins and parts from a channel being sent to users in the channel until they send a privmsg to the channel.
Title: Re: Hide new joins/parts
Post by: Jobe on June 30, 2012, 02:11:06 PM
However, I just wanna get this idea off my mind.. technically it could be made possible at the ircd level I think. Instead of showing joins/parts, the ircd could force a line 353 to be resent to the client, forcing an update to the client's userlist, but not display joins/parts.

The problem there is most clients don't just update the user list just because they get the /names numeric replies. In fact most clients only use them for updating a channel's user list if/when the client itself has issued a /names request, and then the client hides the replies from the user. Otherwise the client displays the replies to the user instead knowing that the client didn't request them.

So really the only way to keep the user list updated, but still hide joins/parts is for the client itself to hide the join/part from the user and the IRCd to send them as normal.