Hello all.
I've bin out of this for almost 10 years. Lately I started a new website again and next to that an irc server.
I got it all working ,but I keep failing to config or login as a Superadmin.
I got the Anope 2.0.11... running on the latest UnrealIRCD 6...
It seems that I have to set my nick as a root.
I get the access denied on all what I try to get de superadmin.
It even says in some cases that there is no Operblock for my nick.
I did set the Operblock for my name in Unreal before connecting Anope.
My nick is registered and logged in as a Netadmin-With-Overide while I'm trying to get the Superadmin to work.
I feel kinda stupid for not getting it done.
Can somebody help me out with it?
Thank you in advance