Since a few weeks, I've a weird thing on my network: the services made netsplit (timeout) but don't notice it, so don't try to reconnect.
Quote from: Unreal
[Sat Sep 7 09:04:40 2024] link.LINK_UNRELIABLE warn: Warning, no response from for 15 seconds
[Sat Sep 7 09:05:55 2024] link.LINK_DISCONNECTED error: Lost server link to []: No response (Ping timeout)
Quote from: Anope
[Sep 07 09:02:55.933646 2024] Sent: :00B PONG 00B
[Sep 07 09:03:02.941208 2024] Received:;;;draft/bot;bot;account=Qi;msgid=9CXmFL5HVSEhFMgOCJ7THi;time=2024-09-07T07:03:02.939Z>
[Sep 07 09:03:02.941970 2024] Received:;;;draft/bot;bot;account=Qi;msgid=8iMmXvv39dbPLdP0TPFprf;time=2024-09-07T07:03:02.939Z>
[Sep 07 09:03:12.952928 2024] Received:;;;draft/bot;bot;account=Qi;msgid=nlr7kPlgVeKT6KpNDTMd49;time=2024-09-07T07:03:12.951Z>
[Sep 07 09:03:12.953696 2024] Received:;;;draft/bot;bot;account=Qi;msgid=PdSiCj82UtRB2xP7aY6qeh;time=2024-09-07T07:03:12.951Z>
[Sep 07 09:03:24.966031 2024] Received:;;;draft/bot;bot;account=Qi;msgid=4BfhpfZHjS2hlNjKwzzO8J;time=2024-09-07T07:03:24.964Z>
[Sep 07 09:03:39.983899 2024] Received:;;;draft/bot;bot;account=Qi;msgid=LKhW3RcMjee9QPRgs8kbde;time=2024-09-07T07:03:39.982Z>
[Sep 07 09:04:20.034537 2024] bs_main: Running bandata purger
[Sep 07 09:04:20.034976 2024] Saving databases
[Sep 07 09:09:20.430663 2024] bs_main: Running bandata purger
[Sep 07 09:09:20.431093 2024] Saving databases
[Sep 07 09:14:20.856484 2024] bs_main: Running bandata purger
[Sep 07 09:14:20.856923 2024] Saving databases
[Sep 07 09:18:16.195148 2024] cs_seen: Purged database, checked 287 nicks and removed 0 old entries.
The uplink is well configured and works well, the readtimeout is set to 5s and the retrywait to 60s.
Anyone has any idea ? Timeout on is quite strange, and services not seeing they are disconnected from server is strange too.